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Introduction to CG Tools and Techniques 1001

Release date:2022

Author:Jahirul Amin

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

In this course, we’ll start by giving an overview of a typical CG pipeline and see how data is passed from one stage to the next. Following on from this, we’ll introduce you to a series of applications and look at different stages of the pipeline such as Modelling, Texturing, Look Development, Rigging, Animation, Lighting and so forth.

By the end of the course, you will be more confident with the tools and familiar with CG concepts for creating assets and tackling shot-based tasks.

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01. Introduction to CG pipelines and modelling in Maya
001. Course Introduction
002. Introduction to CG pipelines
003. Setting up your working environment
004. Introduction to Maya
005. Asset briefing and working with scan data
006. Modelling and retopology tools in Maya
007. UV Tools in Maya
008. Finalising your asset for review
009. Assignment

02. Introduction to ZBrush
001. Introduction and the ZBrush document
002. The ZBrush interface
003. Navigation in ZBrush
004. Working with protection
005. Sculpting brushes
006. Masking and grouping
007. Tools Panel
008. Extracting Maps
009. Assignment

03. Introduction to Substance Painter for texturing
001. Introduction to texturing
002. Breaking down your reference and prepping the asset
003. Introduction to Substance Painter
004. Creating your project and setting up your colour
005. Setting up your channels and baking maps
006. Materials and Smart materials
007. Paint layers and projections
008. Exporting and testing your maps
009. Assignment

04. Introduction to look development in Maya and Arnold
001. Introduction
002. Setting up your look development scene
003. The Arnold render view and render settings
004. Shader basics
005. Procedural shaders
006. Glass and emmisive shaders
007. Layered shaders
008. Look devving the asset
009. Assignment

05. Introduction to rigging in Maya
001. Introduction
002. FK and IK
003. Skinning
004. Deformers
005. Creating controls
006. Constraints
007. Utility nodes
008. Cleaning up
009. Assignment

06. Introduction to animation in Maya
001. Introduction to animation
002. Breaking down your reference
003. Referencing your asset
004. Bouncing ball rig overview
005. Playback settings, setting keys and playblast
006. The Graphe Editor and Dopesheet
007. Animating the bouncing ball – weight and timing
008. Animating the bouncing ball – squash and stretch and caching
009. Assignment

07. Introduction to Houdini
001. Project setup
002. Interface and navigation
003. Transform and selection tools
004. Networks and Operators (Ops)
005. Nodes and Components
006. Attributes and Groups
007. Testing out the concepts
008. Creating a procedural environment
009. Assignment

08. Introduction to lighting in Maya and Arnold
001. Setting up the project
002. Introduction to lights in Arnold
003. Arnold RenderView
004. Sampling and Ray Depth
005. Light filters
006. Direct and indirect lighting
007. Mood lighting
008. AOVs
009. Assignment

09. Introduction to Unreal
001. Introduction
002. Navigation and UI
003. Importing data from Maya to Unreal
004. Introduction to lighting
005. Sequencers and Post-processing
006. Materials and render features
007. Movie render and Sequencer
008. Blueprints
009. Rasterisation v Ray Tracing

10. Introduction to compositing in Nuke
001. The Nuke workspace
002. Navigation
003. Layers, Transform nodes and setting keys
004. The Node Graph
005. DOF and grading exercise
006. Introduction to AOVs and project settings
007. Classifying the AOVs
008. AOV layer sets and EXR
009. AOV premult setup
010. AOV per light setup
011. Black levels exercise
012. Diffuse and specular exercise
013. AOV grade exercise

[Cave Academy] Introduction to CG Tools and Techniques 1001.7z.001
[Cave Academy] Introduction to CG Tools and Techniques 1001.7z.002
[Cave Academy] Introduction to CG Tools and Techniques 1001.7z.003

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