Character Animation Fundamentals for Games by Juan Cervilla
Release date:2024, March
Duration:04 h 18 m
Author: Juan Cervilla
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Learn the essential character animations crucial for achieving professional-looking gameplay: walk cycles, run cycles, and attacks. In this 4.5-hour workshop led by Senior Gameplay Animator Juan Cervilla, you’ll gain insights into his Maya workflow, along with expert tips and techniques for creating convincing game character animations.
Juan meticulously guides you through the complete Maya animation workflow, starting from initial planning stages. This involves studying references, breaking down the mechanics of each motion or action, and culminating in the production of polished animations. The workshop delves into approaches for incorporating secondary motions to infuse additional flair into your animations, providing a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals and mechanics behind these motions.
Moreover, Juan demonstrates how to generate high-quality renders, enabling you to showcase your animation work professionally or feature it in your portfolio. Elevate your game animation skills by mastering these foundational character animations under the guidance of an experienced gameplay animator.
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