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Maya 2016 – Bifröst Fluids

Release date:2016, August 17

Duration:02 h 43 m

Author:Aaron F. Ross

Skill level:Advanced


Exercise files:Yes

Bifröst is a fluid dynamics engine for high-quality liquids in visual effects, combining the best of volumetric and particle solvers in one tool. This course offers an overview of the Bifröst implementation in Autodesk Maya. Using emitter, collider, accelerator, and liquid property nodes, Aaron F. Ross simulates a medium-scale liquid effect and stores it to disk as a cache. Rendering the surface at full quality requires generating an animated polygon mesh; for a convincing layered material, he shows how to extract Bifröst channel data such as Vorticity and apply it in a shading network. The course concludes with a look at the Aero Solver for atmospheric effects.

Topics include:
Understanding Bifröst
Analyzing the node structure
Emitting from a polygon mesh
Colliding with objects
Pushing and damping fluid motion with accelerators
Caching Bifröst simulations
Meshing liquid and exporting to Alembic
Shading with the Bifröst liquid material
Designing mental ray materials
Layering shaders with Bifröst channel data
Adding mist with an Aero simulation
Texturing an Aero material

Table of Contents

Welcome 1m 7s
Using the exercise files 3m 29s
1. Simulating a Liquid
Meeting prerequisites 1m 56s
Understanding Bifrost 3m 55s
Choosing Bifrost Options 4m 38s
Setting the scene 2m 41s
Emitting from a liquid container 6m 50s
Analyzing the simulation 5m 42s
Pushing liquid with an accelerator 3m 38s
Optimizing Master Voxel Size 8m 1s
Colliding with objects 6m
2. Tuning and Storing a Simulation
Tuning Adaptivity 7m 42s
Culling particles with a killplane 3m 32s
Damping with the accelerator boundary layer 4m 44s
Writing a user cache 7m 6s
Reading a user cache 1m 30s
Meshing the particles 8m 41s
Exporting to Alembic 4m 47s
Referencing an Alembic mesh 6m 28s
3. Shading a Liquid
Shading a Bifrost liquid 7m 25s
Designing a subsurface scattering shader 3m 25s
Rendering global illumination 3m 16s
Designing a water shader 3m 20s
Connecting materials to a layered shader 3m 15s
Listing the active Bifrost channels 4m 50s
Masking a layer with Bifrost channel data 6m 29s
Combining channel data 9m 36s
4. Using Bifrost Aero
Evaluating the shot 3m 18s
Emitting mist with aero 6m 24s
Connecting aero colliders 3m 44s
Damping aero with boundary layer 4m 24s
Shading with a Bifrost aero material 3m 36s
Masking density with Volume Noise 6m 48s
Next steps 44s

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