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Learn 2D game coding fundamentals and Pixel Art for games by Neil Fontaine


Release date:2024, July

Duration:16 h 02 m

Author:Neil Fontaine

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Hey there, pixel enthusiasts and future game developers!

Ready to dive into the world of pixel art and game creation? This course is your gateway to Pixel Paradise! And guess what? We’re not stopping at pixel art alone. If you’ve ever thought that coding your own games was too complex, let me show you otherwise!

I know, code can seem like a jumble of confusing symbols. I used to think the same. But coding is just like learning a new language, and once you get the hang of it, you’ll find it incredibly rewarding.

In this course, we’ll start from the basics, breaking coding down into easy, manageable steps. I’ll be right there with you, guiding you through every line of code. By the end, you won’t just understand coding—you’ll be creating your own games with confidence!

And here’s the bonus: the skills you’ll learn aren’t limited to pixel art games. They’re transferable to other programming languages and even 3D game development!

So, let’s banish those doubts, embrace the fun, and unleash your game-making potential. Together, we’ll turn those pixel dreams into reality!

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[Udemy] Learn 2D game coding fundamentals and Pixel Art for games by Neil Fontaine
01 – Fundamentals

01 -Hello World and the if statement
02 -understanding how to use else if statements
03 -Understanding Gamemakers UI
04 -Visually understand nested if statements and variables guaranteed
05 -Making a mouse over button
06 -Timer Part 1
07 -Timer Part 2
08 -More button coding with else if statements

02 – Movement

01 -Movement
02 -More advanced movement
03 -Acceleration and Drag
04 -Drag continued
05 -Animation
06 -Camera Basics
07 -Camera Basics continued
08 -Camera working more on it
09 -Camera finishing it up
10 -Vertical movement
11 -Fixing diagonal movement

03 – Collisions

01 -Visually understand for loops guaranteed
02 -Collisions
03 -Collisions continued
04 -Vertical collisions

04 – Making Dice randomization

01 -Dice roll setup
02 -Coding the dice

05 – Animation, Instances and Explosions

01 -Drawing top down character
02 -Creating instances
03 -Coding a mine
04 -Boom! Explosion
05 -Image index vs image number

06 – Bullets, Aiming and 8 way walking

01 -Making bullets fly
02 -Timers for bullets
03 -Fixing the collision of player
04 -Making sparks fly when bullets hit objects
05 -Animation curves
06 -8 way movement
07 -Coding 8 way movement
08 -Coding gun aim
09 -making the gun aim
10 -Important changes to make
11 -Particle emitters part 1
12 -Particle emitters part 2
13 -Particle emitters part 3
14 -Tips for drawing 8 way direction walking
15 -Finalize walking animation

07 – Awesome Coding extras to learn more about Gamemaker

01 -Switch Statements
02 -Traffic light state machine
03 -Arrays for finite state machine
04 -Enums
05 -Paths part 1
06 -Paths part 2

08 – Making Pixel Game Art with Aseprite

01 -Aseprite Overview
02 -Drawing a game art pixel mushroom
03 -Pixel shapes to use
04 -Drawing presents
05 -Drawing pixel faces part 1
06 -Drawing pixel faces part 2
07 -Drawing pixel faces part 3
08 -Drawing pixel faces part 4
09 -Drawing pixel bushes and shrubs
10 -Drawing big pixel bushes

[Udemy] Learn 2D game coding fundamentals and Pixel Art for games by Neil Fontaine_Subtitles.7z

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