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Photorealistic Character Creation

Release date:2021, August 25

Author:Sarah Petruzzi

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

1. You’ll learn to organize references understanding which one you need to collect for your purpose;
2. You will be able to gain a likeness or invent a new role by learning how to manage the sculpting face;
3. You will learn how to make realistic skin using both XYZ textures and hand sculpting;
4. How to model and organize UVS for the eye’s components creation, sculpting and texturing, then the shading for a realistic result (all made from scratch);
4. You’ll also learn how to make realistic clothes with two different approaches;
5. I’ll explain how to manage lights and settings in your Maya scene to get the final result you are looking for.

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  1. Administrator, I noticed that some of your courses are duplicated. I used to think why two identical courses are in your archive. Later I realized that one of them is of better quality and the other is of poor quality. You can in the future, remove the duplicate of poor quality. So that later there was no confusion to download. Thanks!

    • The truth is that we have 6735 courses now. We just can’t remember all of the courses. If we are uploading something in a better quality we always try to delete old/outdated or corrupted content.
      But, you know…

  2. Is there any chance of getting the courses by Kris Costa. The pre-recorded one. If you could please, thanks.

  3. hello it seems like there a error in all of the files.. for now. I thought it was only one but turns out it’s every tutorials.

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