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Light and Color by Krenz Cushart (Chinese, Eng sub)


Release date:2023

Duration:23 h 59 m

Author:Krenz Cushart

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

In this course, students will gain a solid foundation in digital painting, focusing on key concepts such as the terminator line, values, color mixing, and environmental lighting. Through various assignments and projects, students will develop their skills in digital painting and learn how to create dynamic and engaging images.

Prerequisites: This course is designed for individuals who are familiar with digital art processes. While it is not required to use Photoshop, the software will be used for class demonstrations. Students should also have a basic understanding of Photoshop tools and functions, such as the brush and eraser tools.

Difficulty: This course is suitable for beginners and intermediate-level digital artists.

Objectives: By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Improve accuracy when determining the terminator line between light and shadow in digital paintings.
  2. Create digital paintings of skin and clothes under different lighting schemes, such as sunset and evening.
  3. Understand when and how to mix colors in digital painting.
Lesson 1: Course Overview
  • Introduction to the course objectives and syllabus
  • Overview of the terminator line
  • Color usage in digital painting
  • Understanding different types of light in images
  • Assignment: Determine the terminator line in provided reference images.
Lesson 2: The Terminator Line
  • Introduction to Gestalt theory
  • Concepts of Notan
  • Positive and negative shapes
  • Assignment: Create grayscale value study.
Lesson 3: Values
  • Understanding black, white, and gray in digital painting
  • Traditional art approaches
  • Evaluating value contrast levels
  • Assignment: Create digital painting studies that achieve the look of traditional art.
Lesson 4: Mixing Colors
  • Creating contrast through HSV color sliders
  • Creating subtle color shifts
  • Choosing color palettes and hiding colors within colors.
Lesson 5: Environmental Lighting and Local Color
  • Understanding local color of characters in an environment
  • Introducing environmental light
  • Color temperature shifts.
Lesson 6: Creating Layers of Depth in an Image
  • Designing silhouettes and adding faux details
  • Adding life to an image through atmosphere
  • Overview of Ambient occlusion.
Lesson 7: Painting Objects Under Different Environmental Lighting
  • Stylized lighting in 2D illustration
  • Variations on key points from previous lessons
  • Assignment: Add terminator lines to a base image using reference images.
Lesson 8: Final Summary
  • Overview of color application
  • Overview of Krenz’s artistic process.
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  1. Thank you so much for providing this course!

    Unfortunately some subtitles didn’t render fully:

    K大色彩课一2 (Week 1 – 2),
    K大色彩课五2 (Week 5 – 2), and
    K大色彩课八1 (Week 8 – 1).

    Thank you again for running this website! ❤

  2. Sorry for commenting again, but I found that there were additional subtitles that were also incorrect/unrendered:

    K大色彩课四1 (Week 4 – 1) (this one changes to Mandarin about 31 minutes in),
    K大色彩课四2 (Week 4 – 2),
    K大色彩课六1 (Week 6 – 1), and
    K大色彩课八2 (Week 8 – 2).

    Thank you again!!

  3. Sorry for commenting again, but I found that there were additional subtitles that were also incorrect/unrendered:

    K大色彩课四1 (Week 4 – 1) (this one changes to Mandarin about 31 minutes in),
    K大色彩课四2 (Week 4 – 2),
    K大色彩课六1 (Week 6 – 1), and
    K大色彩课八2 (Week 8 – 2).

    Thank you again!!

    • This is the drawback of using AI to create subtitles for complex language pairs. I’ll try to generate subtitles once again, but I’m not sure if this will do the trick.

          • I hope you don’t feel rushed or pressured by my question, but how long does it take to update the missing subtitles?

            I don’t know how AI generation works, so I apologize for coming off as rude and ignorant.

            Thank you very much for the work you provide!

          • There is an issue as the AI model we currently use to generate subtitles is not working correctly with non-English long videos. Sometimes it falls back at the beginning of the video and starts producing hallucinating output. As soon as it is not a regular program, but a big language model, I can not get into it and fix it. It is like a black box, like Chat GPT and so on. I want to cut the video into small 20-second – 1-minute chunks and feed it into the model with the right prompt to keep the consistency from chunk to chunk as it operates not by word tokens but the whole sentences, stitching the transcript together into one piece later. Moreover, to properly transcript the sentence, it uses the content of the previous sentence, so this task is not trivial. I am still experimenting with that and have a 90% feeling that I can do that.
            The other disrupting thing is the primary work responsibilities ), so I can do it mostly on weekends.
            I hope I answered your worries.

  4. Thank you so much for providing this course!

    Unfortunately some subtitles didn’t render fully:

    K大色彩课一2 (Week 1 – 2),
    K大色彩课五2 (Week 5 – 2), and
    K大色彩课八1 (Week 8 – 1).

    Thank you again for running this website! ❤

  5. I can download the video but I can’t watch it, it just has a black screen, does anyone know how to fix it?

    • Same problem here. Dowload is fine but I can’t watch it on website. When I click to start the video it’s a black screen that won’t play anything ╮⁠(⁠╯⁠_⁠╰⁠)⁠╭

  6. I couldn’t reply to you strawberry (I think because the reply chain is too long already), but thank you for the insight into how you generate subtitles. I had no idea just how arduous it is!

    This probably doesn’t mean much, but I believe in you! Your 90% feeling will turn into 100%!! (o´ ▽ `)ノ❤

    • Since mid-May (15-16), the subtitles have been generated in smaller chunks. I would greatly appreciate any feedback you may have regarding these recent subtitles

      • Sorry for the late reply! I downloaded the provided subtitles, but they are the same subtitles as before. Perhaps there was an issue in uploading them on your side?

        Thank you for the follow-up!

  7. Subs are still broken so I created my own. It was quite hard and costly but thank you for the course. If I didn’t have it there would not be anything to create subs from

  8. Hi strawberry, i notice you guys are adding subtitles for old videos with broken subs. It seems many people still want this class, really hope you can sub this one again.

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