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Introduction to Script Lettering (Spanish, Multisub)


Release date:2022

Author: Ximena Jiménez

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Not Provided

Get started in italics with a brush pen and create a unique composition
Expanding horizons within the design framework and exploring the different disciplines is crucial to then focus on what you really want. Ximena Jiménez is a graphic designer who specialized in lettering until working independently, creating graphical solutions through letters for all types of clients and formats.

In this course, you will learn the basics to start writing in italics. You will practice with the brush pen until you achieve fluency and dynamism in your writing script , and you will discover that by digitizing your composition, you will be able to perfect it and give it those last touches so that your lettering shine.

What will you learn in this online course?
Ximena will make a brief review of your beginnings teaching you some of your projects and explaining how you started in the world of letters. He will explain more about his process and you will discover what inspires him and what his artistic references have been beyond the world of letters.

What is the difference between calligraphy, lettering and typography? You will see what these three related but different terms mean. And of course, you will delve into the world of the italics, seeing the most predominant styles and making a journey to the modern cursive with its variations.

Ximena will tell you about her drawing process and about the tools she uses in each case. It will explain more about the brush pen , the types that exist and will show you how to write with it. You will do exercises to delve into concepts such as pressure or thick, thin, straight or curved strokes.

There is no better way to learn than practice, so you will start doing it with the box of x (concept that the teacher will explain), and then continue with the alphabet. First you will practice with the letters and straight signs, then with those that contain curved strokes and finally, those that force you to make longer and more complex strokes.

You will see the design process from scratch, with the composition first, then the ornamentation and finally the finishing touches.

You will learn to digitize your letters and pass them to Photoshop to adjust them and clean the possible noise that contains the composition. Then you will export it to Illustrator, where you can vectorize it, change colors, add textures and where you will find enough tools to polish it and get a unique lettering .

Once created, Ximena will show you possible applications for your lettering illustrated as for example, the stamping. It will talk about the production, distribution and sale of merchandising in social networks, stores or web pages where you can upload your designs without having to worry about the sale, and without having to make a large investment.

With everything learned, at the end of the course you will be able to illustrate a script lettering , giving it life taking it to a physical plane and applying it to everyday clothes.

What is this course’s project?
You will design the illustration of a short phrase, made in letters script or italics. Afterwards, you will stamp it on a shirt or other piece of clothing.

Who is this online course for?
To anyone who wants to start in the world of lettering and calligraphy, or for those who have some prior knowledge and want to reinforce the area of the italics.

Requirements and materials
No previous knowledge of calligraphy, lettering or drawing is required, although it is recommended to have some basic knowledge of Adobe Photoshop e Illustrator for the final phase of the project.

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