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Create The Solar System Animation For 3D Anaglyph Glasses (Blender)


Release date:2020, July 11

Author:Dino Bandzovic

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Hello everybody and welcome to another Blender course. In this course, we are going to create the Solar System animation and I will show you how you can use Blender for creating animations for 3D anaglyph glasses.

This kind of technology is really old but still cool and retro. So to create animation for 3D glasses you will need one and usually, they are very cheap and easy to find but if you don’t have one you can use this course for creating Solar system animation.

This course is for beginners but if you are an advanced user you can use it as an exercise and also experiment with 3d glasses. In this course, we are going to learn a lot. First, we will start with getting textures from .

Then we will use milky way sky texture as an hdr image for our background. Later we will start creating planets and applying those textures to them. We will use emission shader for the Sun. I will also show you how you can unwrap objects like rings of Saturn. After, we are going to use displace modifiers with particle systems to create different rocks.

Later we will animate the whole System and we will play with the camera. In the end, I will show it how you can render it ours for anaglyph glasses and all settings that you will need.

So, let’s start creating cool projects like this one which you can put in a portfolio or show it to your friends or use it as a project for school or university.

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  1. Hi! Can you please provide us the Face Rigging in Blender Tutorial by FlippedNormals?

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