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Python for Maya – Artist Friendly Programming


Release date:2017, March

Duration:08 h 04 m

Author:Dhruv Govil

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

What Will I Learn?
Develop tools in Python, inside and outside of Maya.
Create advanced user interfaces to interact with their tools and manage assets.
Have the skills necessary for a studio technical director.

You will require a basic knowledge of Autodesk Maya, like creating and manipulating simple objects.
You will need a working copy of Maya. Preferably 2017 and above, but 2011 should be the minimum. Links to the trial and educational version will be provided.
No programming knowledge is required, but a basic understanding will help.

Welcome to Python for Maya: Artist Friendly Programming!

This course will take you from your very first line of Python code to creating advanced user interfaces with all that fluidity we expect of a professional. You’ll learn skills that will help you work faster by automating repetitive tasks so you can focus on the work you want to be doing. This can in turn also add incredible value to you on the job market and help you move up the ladder faster.

Whether you’re a beginner or already familiar with Python, there’s a lot this course can offer you. Projects are split up by difficulty and there’s a project for you whether you’re a modeller, animator, rigger or lighter.

Here’s what we’ll cover:
Python Fundamentals: functions, classes, if statements, etc…
Advanced Python concepts like lambdas,partials, regular expressions, etc..
Writing User Interfaces with Maya Cmds and Qt
Writing data to disk and loading it back in to Maya as JSON
Creating command line tools
Setting up a professional workflow
The Qt interface framework: custom widgets, signals and slots, stylesheets etc
Additionally, this is currently the only course that covers changes introduced in Maya 2017.

You’ll have full source code access with comprehensive comments to follow along with, as well as other resources that will help you learn when you’re done.

I taught myself Python several years ago when I was an artist, and today hundreds of artists use my tools everyday. I’ll be using the same project driven methods to teach you Python.

Ready to start your programming journey? Let’s go!

This has:
Links to all the software you’ll need.
Source code for all our projects with comments.
Other resources to further your education.
What are the requirements?

Maya 2011 or higher (2017 preferred).
A computer with an internet connection
There will be links to everything else you need on the github page.

What am I going to get from this course?
You’ll have the skills to build tools that will speed up your work.
The necessary workflow to build code that can be shared with your team or studio.
The necessary skill set that we’d ask of a pipeline developer in major studios.
What is the target audience?

Beginners with no programming experience
Intermediates with some experience looking to hone their skills

Who is the target audience?
This course is for artists who want to learn Python programming to make tools, work more efficiently or add job value.
The course is targeted to beginners with no programming experience as well as intermediate’s who want to learn new skills.

Watch online or Download for Free

01-Overview of the Course Materials
02-Using the Script Editor
03-Hello World
04-Hello Cube A Hello World in 3D
05-Project 1 Creating a Cube Rig
06-Variables and Types
07-Overview of Mayas Programming Languages and Libraries
08-Nodes in Maya
09-Python 2 vs Python 3
10-Saving Your Scripts
11-Project 2 The Object Renamer
12-Finding Help
13-The List Command
14-If Statements
15-For Loops
16-While Loops
17-Finding Object Types
18-If Elif and Else Statements
19-Setting Up PyCharm
21-Dictionaries Keys and Values
22-String Formatting
23-Scopes in Python
24-Project 3 The Gear Creator
25-Making a Python Script
26-Creating a Gear
27-Modifying the Gear
28-Classes Custom Types and Interfaces in Python
29-Converting our functions to classes
30-Project 4 The Animation Tweener
31-Overview of User Interface Libraries in Maya
32-Getting Data for the Tween Function
33-Setting Keys with the Tween Function
34-Creating a User Interface
35-Reusing our Interface for the Gear Creator
36-Adding our Scripts to the Maya Shelf
37-Project 5 The Controller Library
38-Overview of the Qt Interface Library
39-Qt vs Cmds
40-Duck Typing
41-Qtpy Using Qt in Python
42-Importing Qt Modules
43-Creating the Library Directory
44-Saving Files
45-Finding Files
46-Loading Controllers
47-Our First Bug
48-JSON Reading and Writing Data
49-Capturing Screenshots
50-Qt Documentation
51-Displaying a Qt Window
52-Building the Qt Interface
53-Making a Gallery for our Controllers
54-Signals and Slots
55-Making our Interface Work
56-Project 6 The Light Manager
57-PyMel An Alternate API in Maya
58-Starting the Interface and Partials
59-Custom Widgets and Lambdas
60-Adding Visibility and Intensity to our Widget
61-Adding Color to our Widget
62-Portable Code and Logging
63-MQtUtil Combing Qt with Maya Controls
64-TryExcept Handling Errors
65-Exporting Our Lights
66-Importing Our Lights

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  1. Hi plz i cant afford this course because I am poor and they are very important for anyone interested in rigging maya

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