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Watercolor Practices by Tatyana Shirbidova (Акварельные практики – Russian, Eng sub)

Release date:2023

Duration:06 h 56 m

Author:Tatyana Shirbidova

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

The LIGHT course takes your understanding of lighting effects in artworks to a new level. By combining knowledge from color science, coloring techniques, and theoretical lessons on light in painting, this course aims to help you convey realistic and captivating lighting effects in your artworks. With a focus on watercolor and oil practices, you’ll have ample opportunities to apply your theoretical knowledge in practical exercises.

The course is structured as follows:

  1. Still Life with Olives, Theme: “Caustic. Refraction of Light in Glass”: In this part of the course, you will explore the fascinating interplay of light and glass. You’ll learn how to depict caustic light patterns and the refraction of light as it passes through glass objects. By studying the physics of light and its interaction with different materials, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how to accurately represent these effects in your artwork.
  2. Landscape “Reflection,” Theme: “Mirror Reflections”: In this section, the focus is on capturing mirror reflections in landscapes. You’ll learn techniques for depicting water surfaces and the reflections they create, adding depth and visual interest to your landscape paintings. Understanding the principles of light reflection and its behavior on different surfaces will be key to creating realistic and visually appealing mirror reflections.

Throughout the course, you can expect a blend of theoretical lessons, practical exercises, and demonstrations. The theoretical lessons will cover the physics of light and its relevance to artwork, while the practical exercises will allow you to apply the knowledge and techniques learned to your watercolor and oil paintings. By engaging in hands-on practice, you’ll refine your skills and develop a keen eye for observing and replicating lighting effects in your own artistic creations.

By the end of the LIGHT course, you’ll have a solid understanding of lighting effects and how to depict them convincingly in your artworks. You’ll also have honed your watercolor and oil painting techniques, enabling you to create captivating still lifes and landscapes with realistic caustic patterns, glass refractions, and mirror reflections.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced artist, the LIGHT course offers valuable insights and practical exercises to enhance your understanding and application of lighting effects in your artwork. Immerse yourself in the world of light and color, and let your artistic skills shine through.

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