Unity Mobile Game Development – Exterminator by Jingtian Li
Release date:2023, August
Duration:23 h 59 m
Author:Jingtian Li
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
This course, the third installment in the Complete Game Development Series, delves into advanced Unity techniques and mobile game development.
Students will master the creation of a mobile project and establish the essential testing environment. Employing a modular approach, they’ll craft the game’s level structure and lighting. Starting with touchscreen-based player control, camera viewpoints, and tracking systems, the course progresses to implement various gameplay elements: inventory, health, and damage systems, team identification, AI perception and behavior trees, projectiles, ability systems, shop mechanics, UI and level management, and more.
The primary focus is on integrating standalone gameplay systems seamlessly. Utilizing advanced C# features such as interfaces and delegates bolsters code extensibility, minimizes duplication, and reduces dependencies. Programming patterns like recursion, trees, and singletons are leveraged to ensure cleaner code. Additionally, students will explore advanced Unity features like scriptable objects to enhance data storage and retrieval.
The course concludes by covering the build processes for iOS and Android platforms. Students leave with a complete mobile game and an enriched understanding of Unity, C#, and game development principles