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The Ultimate Guide to Creating an RPG Game in Unity by Alex Dev


Release date:2023, March

Duration:23 h 59 m

Author:Alex Dev

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

It sounds like this comprehensive game development course is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to learn how to create their own RPG game, regardless of their previous experience. The course covers everything from the basics of Unity and C# to more advanced systems such as combat mechanics, item crafting, and UI management.

One of the great features of this course is the 3-hour crash course for beginners, which ensures that even those with no prior experience in Unity can follow along. The course also offers the flexibility to use the provided design or incorporate your own ideas to create a truly unique RPG game.

With the course’s focus on clean and scalable systems, participants will be able to build upon what they’ve learned and take their game development skills to the next level. By the end of the course, participants will have a fully functional RPG game that they can publish and share with others.

What will you learn
This course offers an in-depth exploration of the C# programming language and its application in video game development. Through practical, hands-on exercises and projects, you will develop your problem-solving skills and learn how to create efficient, clean, and scalable code.

The course covers object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts and how they apply in practice to video game design. You will learn about classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and other key concepts that are central to modern programming practices.

Along the way, you will create several playable game projects, such as a platformer, a puzzle game, and a top-down shooter. These projects are not only fun to play but will also serve as excellent additions to your portfolio.

Throughout the course, you will also learn about good programming practices, such as clean code, design patterns, and how to create scalable systems. These skills will be invaluable in any programming job you pursue, whether in video game development or other fields.

By the end of the course, you will have a strong foundation in C# programming and a deep understanding of how it applies to video game development. You will also have several playable game projects that you can showcase to potential employers or just for your own sense of accomplishment.


  • PC or Mac capable of running Unity 2020 or later
  • Basics of C# will be helpfull , but not required
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01. Introduction

01. Introduction

02. Watch before you start

01. Important to know – Mindset of the course
02. Important to know – Crash course
03. Important to know – Q&A
04. Important to know

03. Crash Course on Unity

01. Install Unity and Visual Studio 2022
02. Unity windows and Tools
03. Colliders nad Rigibody
04. Input and First script
05. Move and Jump
06. Serializefield
07. Sprite sheet
08. Animator
09. Clean up
10. Flip character
11. 2D Collision Detection
12. Jump animation
13. Sticky walls
14. Dash and timers
15. Attack animation
16. Attack combo
17. Inheritance
18. Preparing inheritance
19. Making enemy with Inheritance
20. Enemys attack
21. End of crash course

04. Player’s Finite State Machine

01. What is State Machine
02. Creating Finite State Machine
03. Setup Animator with State Machine
04. Movement with State Machine
05. Jump with State Machine
06. Collision Check
07. Flip
08. Creating Dash State
09. Improving Dash State
10. Wall Slide State
11. Wall Jump State
12. Primary Attack State
13. Combo Attacks
14. Finalize Attack State
15. Attacks direction

05. Training Ground Setup

01. Tile Palette
02. Tile Map Collider
03. Camera
04. Parallax background
05. Endless background

06. Enemy’s State Machine

01. Enemys State Machine
02. Making inheritance for Player and Enemy
03. Enemys Idle and Move State
04. Enemys Battle State
05. Enemys Attack State
06. Finalize Battle State

07. Battle system

01. Battle System Design
02. Attack Logic
03. Colliders collision exception
04. On Hit Fx
05. On Hit Impact
06. Attacks direction hot fix
07. Counter attack – Enemys Stun State
08. Counters attack window
09. Players Counter Attack

08. Skill system

01. Concept of a Skill System
02. Creating Player Manager and Skill Manager
03. Foundation of Skill System

09. Clone skill

01. Clone Creating Ability
02. Clones Attack

10. Sword Skill

01. Sword Throw Skill State
02. Setting up details of the sword
03. Setting up swords aim
04. Improving swords behaviour
05. Improving sword throwing state
06. Bouncy sword
07. Setting sword type
08. Pierce sword
09. Saw spin sword
10. Freeze time of the enemies

11. Ultimate skill

01. Blackhole and Quick Time Event keys
02. Improving blackhole with clone creatin
03. Blackhole details setup
04. Blackhole ability state
05. Blackhole duration

12. Magic crystal ability

01. Crystal ability
02. Explosive crystal
03. Moving crystal
04. Multi-crystal
05. Improving skills in a skill tree
06. Clone duplication on attack
07. Crystal instead of Clone

13. Stats and elemental ailments

01. Character stats
02. Stat script
03. Applying stats to combat
04. Death of entities
05. Major stats and defensive stats
06. Critical attack
07. Magic damage
08. Elemental ailments
09. Ailments effects and duration
10. UI health bar
11. Ailment visual effects
12. Improve ailments – chill
13. Improve ailments – shock
14. Applying damage to skills and clean up

14. Items and Inventory

01. Item
02. Inventory
03. Inventory UI
04. Equipment item
05. Stash for materials
06. Equip items on character
07. Apply item modifiers
08. Enemy modifiers
09. Unequip items
10. Items drop
11. Player drop system
12. Remove items from inventory
13. Unique items
14. Thunder strike item effect
15. Ice and Fire item effect
16. Thunder strike on abilities
17. Heal item effect
18. Buff item effect
19. Armor item effect
20. Items cooldown explained

15. UI

01. UI menu
02. Character Stats UI
03. Limit Inventory Slots
04. Item Tooltip
05. Stat Tooltip
06. Switch UI with Keyboard
07. Craft UI
08. Skill Tree UI
09. Improve Item Tooltip
10. Merge Skill Tree UI with Skill Manager
11. Merge Skill Tree with Parry skill
12. Merge Skill Tree with Crystal skill
13. Merge Skill Tree with Dodge skill
14. Merge Skill Tree with Sword skill
15. Merge Skill Tree with Clone skill
16. Skill Tree Hot Fix
17. In game UI
18. Options UI
19. Finalising Tooltip

16. Save and Load

01. Save system
02. Save Inventory Items
03. Save Stash and Equipment
04. Save Skill Tree
05. Delete save file
06. Encryption of saved data

17. Scene managment and souls ( currency )

01. Main menu
02. Screen fade
03. End screen
04. Checkpoint
05. Lost currency ( souls ) save and and enemys currency ( souls ) drop

18. Audio manager

01. Audio manager
02. Audio distannce limiter
03. More examples on audio effects
04. Audio settings
05. Audio time limiter
06. Area sound
07. How to look for audio

19. Game polish – Mechanics

01. Improving knockback direction
02. Improving player
03. Improving skeleton
04. Game pause
05. Dead zone
06. Invincibility in the time of dash

20. Polish stage – Visuals

01. Ailments fx
02. Blackhole additional vfx
03. Snow and Fire flies
04. Hit and Critical hit particles
05. Dust fx
06. After image fx
07. Screen shake
08. Pop Up Text Fx
09. A bit of clean up

21. Build and publish

01. How to build your game
02. How to post your game on website

22. Additional section – Enemies

01. Slime enemy
02. Slime – sefl-multiplying on death + improvements of battle system
03. Slime – stunned state improvement
04. Archers arrow
05. Archer enemy
06. Shady enemy
07. Death bringer enemy [BOSS] – part 1
08. Death bringer enemy [BOSS] – part 2

[Udemy] The Ultimate Guide to Creating an RPG Game in Unity by Alex Dev.7z.rar
[Udemy] The Ultimate Guide to Creating an RPG Game in Unity by Alex Dev_Subtitles.7z

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  1. Nice! Any chance of getting this one?

    Thank you for the resources.

  2. “Craft” in section 14 and “Dash Cooldown” in section 3 are missing. Please add them i beg you!

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