Release date:2022, May
Duration:23 h 59 m
Author:Alexandre Galin
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
I have taught Rhino for the last seven years at the university at a Master’s level for people interested in transportation and product design. I used Rhino for 20 years and worked as an industrial designer in the aerospace industry for one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world for the last 17 years.
In the first few weeks, I will show you how to get around in Rhino 3D and use essential 2D and 3D tools.
From then on, I will share how you can edit and modify surfaces to add more significant details. As we progress through the lessons, you will learn how to render with the basic Rhino render, followed by quick examples using industry-standard rendering plug-ins like Maxwell Render.
Finally, towards the end of the course, I will show you how to fix corrupted surfaces from imported files and initiate you to reverse engineering techniques based on a scanned clay model.
Overall, the course contains ten weeks of sessions. Each lecture is about 2 hours and 30 minutes long. I’ll also make many demos that are simple to follow and understand. These exercises will be made available for you to follow.
Even though my tutorials are done on the v5 version, those who wish to use the V6 version will be fine following along.
Also, remember to follow me on Facebook, as I regularly communicate new exercises, announcements, and projects done with Rhino to my students. Could you look me up on Facebook for Rhino 3D tutorials, Alexandre Galin?
Whether you’re an industrial designer, architect, interior designer, engineer, technician, or hobbyist, I can help you grow.
So, I hope you’ll tag along.
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01. 1.User Interface, Layers, Panels, Viewports, Command Line, Snapping, etc
01. Introduction
02. Simple Box Geometry & Graphical Modes
03. Simple Box Precision Modeling & Navigation
04. File Types, Exporting, Importing
05. Viewports, ToolbarReset, Navigation
02. 2.Basic modelling techniques (points, curves, surfaces, solids) and basic namin
01. 6- Curves Types & Degrees
02. 7- Surfaces & Polysurfaces 1
03. 7- Surfaces & Polysurfaces 2
04. 7- Surfaces & Polysurfaces 3
05. 7- Surfaces & Polysurfaces 4
06. 8- IsoCurves
03. 3.Modeling with primitives & curves (boxes, cylinders, spheres, etc.)
01. Table 1 Top
02. Table 2 Legs Primitives SOLUTION
03. Table 3 Legs Curve Based SOLUTION
04. Table 4 U Shaped Legs
04. 4.Modeling a vase based on a sphere as a starting point
01. Vase 1
02. Vase 2
03. Vase 3
04. Vase 4
05. Vase 5
06. Vase 6
07. Vase 7 SOLUTION
05. 5.Text vs. Textobject
01. Text
06. 6.Advanced Modeling Patch, FlowAlongSurface, DrawOnSurface
01. Vase 3D Pattern 1
02. Vase 3D Pattern 2
03. Vase 3D Pattern 3 SOLUTION
04. Vase 3D Pattern 4 SOLUTION
05. Vase 3D Pattern 5
06. Vase 3D Pattern 6 SOLUTION
07. Vase 3D Pattern 7
08. Vase 3D Pattern 8 SOLUTION
09. Vase 3D Pattern 9 SOLUTION
07. 7.Tracing images in Illustrator and importing to Rhino
01. Image Tracing 1
02. Image Tracing 2 SOLUTION
08. 8.Intro to SubD Difference of NURBS vs. Mesh vs. SubD
01. SubD 1
02. SubD 2
03. SubD 3
07. SubD 7
09. SubD 9
10. SubD 10
09. 9.Intro to Rendering
01. Rendering 1
02. Rendering 2
03. Rendering 3
04. Rendering 4
05. Rendering 5
06. Rendering 6
10. 10.Intro to Drafting
01. Drafting 1
02. Drafting 2
03. Drafting 3 SOLUTION
04. Drafting 4
11. 11.Intro to Grasshopper
01. Grasshopper 1
02. Grasshopper 2
[Udemy] Rhinoceros 3D FULL Beginner to Advanced ZERO to HERO by Wassef Dabboussi.7z.rar
[Udemy] Rhinoceros 3D FULL Beginner to Advanced ZERO to HERO by Wassef Dabboussi_Subtitles.7z
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