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Build & Sell Blender 3D Models by Christ Raharja


Release date:2023, April

Duration:03 h 41 m

Author:Christ Raharja

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Welcome to the Build and Sell Blender 3D Models course! This comprehensive course is designed to teach you step-by-step how to create 3D models using Blender, a powerful and popular 3D modeling software. Whether you are a beginner with no previous experience in 3D modeling or Blender, or an experienced 3D artist looking to expand your skills and monetize your expertise, this course is tailored for you.

The course is divided into two main aspects: the technical aspect and the business perspective. In the technical aspect, you will learn how to use Blender efficiently to create 3D objects from scratch. You will be guided through various essential skills such as moving, scaling, rotating objects, changing colors, joining and separating objects, rendering, cutting, extruding, beveling, chamfering, and rotation animation. These skills will enable you to turn your creative imagination into reality and produce high-quality 3D products.

In addition to the technical skills, the course also covers the business and marketing aspects of selling 3D models. You will learn about potential business models, different marketplaces to sell your 3D models, effective pricing strategies, and efficient marketing strategies. These insights will help you optimize your sales or even scale up your business, making your 3D modeling skills not only creatively fulfilling but also financially rewarding.

To reinforce your learning, the course includes three fully guided projects. These projects will allow you to apply the skills and knowledge you’ve acquired in a practical and hands-on manner. You will build a soccer ball with a combination of two colors, a space rocket launch site by combining a cube, a cylinder, and a cone, and an animated scene where the moon rotates around the earth.

With a beginner-friendly approach and a focus on practical application, this course will equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to create 3D models using Blender and turn them into profitable assets in today’s digital economy. Get ready to unleash your creativity, master Blender, and build a successful business selling your 3D models!

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