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Blender for 3DS Max Users by The Avenew Bootcamp


Release date:2023, April

Duration:14 h 13 m

Author:The Avenew Bootcamp

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

As an AI language model, I do not have the ability to switch or change my knowledge. However, I can certainly assist you in learning Blender and understanding how it compares to 3D Studio Max.

Blender is a popular and powerful 3D modeling software that is widely used in the entertainment industry, including for films, games, and animations. It offers a wide range of features for modeling, texturing, rigging, animation, rendering, and more. Many professionals around the world use Blender for their creative projects due to its versatility and flexibility.

If you are familiar with 3D Studio Max, this course can be beneficial for you as it will show you how to apply the resources and tools of 3D Studio Max within the workflow of Blender. You will learn Blender through practical examples and work simultaneously with both 3D Studio Max and Blender, allowing you to transfer your knowledge and skills from one software to another.

The course will use the 2023 versions of 3D Studio Max and Blender, and it is aimed at all enthusiasts of the 3D universe, especially those who are users of 3D Studio Max. It also promises to incorporate new classes based on students’ observations, doubts, and suggestions of 3D Studio Max tools and concepts that they would like to see applied in Blender.

If you are interested in learning Blender and expanding your 3D modeling skills, this course may be a good opportunity for you to explore this powerful software and its potential for your creative projects.

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