How To Create The DAREDEVIL Titles Look in Cinema 4D by Travis Vermilye
Release date:2020
Duration:00 h 59 m
Author:Travis Vermilye
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Not Provided
About This Class
Artists throughout the ages have learned and grown by observing the work and process of those who have come before them – the Masters. This class is all about learning from a really cool visual aesthetic, breaking things down, and figuring out how to create a similar look in Cinema 4D.
A student asked me once how to create an environment like the one seen in the DAREDEVIL title sequence. You know, the MARVEL series. This class is inspired by the sequence created by ELASTIC and Art Directed by Patrick Clair.
In this class, I walk you through the way I would create a similar scene in Cinema 4D. We’ll focus on the following things:
Lighting – Including Visible Lights
Shallow DOF (Faked!)
Mograph “Particle Floaties”
Camera Motion
Post Effects in After Effects
Here is an image of what we will be creating:
We will NOT be delving into the art of fluid effects (although I may do a separate class on that using X-Particles!).
Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions or comments.