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Unity 2019 Make a 3d survival game


Release date:2020, October 6

Author:Sunny Valley Studio

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

Are you looking for an intermediate Unity course where you will build a small 3d game, from scratch with a maintainable codebase? In this course we will create a survival game with 3rd person camera, player movement system, animations, simple island map, inventory and crafting system and a save system to save our progress to a file. We will use the new Universal Rendering Pipeline to create our project., and structure the code using state pattern and Model-View-Controller architecture to make the code less prone to bugs.

If you have completed few beginner courses on Unity and c# and you feel comfortable using them together I believe that you will benefit greatly from this course.

When I was learning Unity and Game Development overall I was always disappointed with the lack of intermediate courses that actually showed how to make a game that isn’t a single monobehaviour or that actually implements some useful systems like save system. I wanted a bigger project that I have lacked the skills to structure properly to keep it maintainable. How do you make a more complex game?

The answer is – one step at a time.

We will use multiple 3d models, animations and tools that are free on the Unity Asset Store. It really is amazing how many great assets are available for free and how we can use them to create a decent looking game.

My hope is that at the end of the course you will have a bigger picture on how to structure the code for your game and have a survival game template that you can reuse.

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01. Introduction
01. Content of this course
02. Check the game you will create
03. Onboarding

02. Project setup
01. Creating a new Unity project

03. Player movement system
01. Goal of this section
02. Preparing the models
03. 3rd person cinemachine camera
04. Getting player input
05. Moving using arrows
06. Rotating the player
07. Preparing movement animations
08. Playing movement animations
09. Jumping and the issues of boolean flags
10. State pattern – an alternative to boolean flags
11. State pattern – restoring previous functionality
12. Jump Animations
13. Animations for Jumping
14. Falling State – what happens when we fall down when jumping
15. Falling state fix
16. Adding footsteps sound
17. Testing the system on a prototypical terrain
18. Adding Right and Left movement

04. Inventory system View
01. Inventory System Introduction
02. Inventory System Structure
03. Preparing UI – basic panel
04. Preparing UI – settings
05. Preparing UI – dividing panel into areas
06. UI Inventory item element
07. Adding scrollbar
08. Adding Hotbar UI
09. Button helper script
10. Item Helper script part 1
11. Item Helper script part 2
12. Finishing the UI
13. Implementing UI module into our game – player input
14. Implementing UI module into our game – Inventory State
15. Preparing logic behind using the Inventory UI

05. Inventory System Data Model and Data
01. ItemSO Scriptable object
02. FoodItemSO
03. Storage system Introduction
05. Inventory System Data – Adding Storage p1
06. Inventory System Data – Adding Storage p2
07. Inventory System – Hotbar items
08. Inventory System Data – integrating UI p1
09. Inventory System Data – integrating UI p2
10. ItemSO data manager
11. Testing the UI with dummy items
12. Testing the UI – displaying data

06. Ui Dragging elements in the inventory
01. Intro Recap
02. Dragging UI element Part 1
03. Dragging UI element Part 2
04. Swapping UI data on drag and drop
05. Swapping data in inventory
06. Swapping data in hotbar part 1
07. Swapping data in hotbar part 2
08. Finishing and debugging

07. Picking up items from the map
01. Intro Recap
02. Pickable Item setup
03. Detection system
04. Performing detection
05. Highlighting the selected item
06. Highlighting the selected item Part 2
07. Interacting with an item – Interact State
08. Interact State Part 2
09. Adding items to the inventory storage

08. Finishing Inventory System
01. Intro Recap
02. Inventory Buttons Setup – Drop and Use buttons
03. Interacting with Drop and Use buttons
04. Drop button logic
05. Use button logic Part 1
06. Use button logic Part 2
07. Fixing Highlight issue
08. Interacting with hotbar items
09. Item Spawner

09. Save system for inventory items
01. Intro Recap
02. Saving system introduction
03. Saving system implementation outline
04. Creating ISavable interface
05. Implementing ISavable for the inventory
06. SaveSystem Class
07. Testing save system
08. Main menu part 1
09. Main menu part 2
10. In-game menu p1
11. In-game menu p2
12. In-game menu p3
13. In-game menu p4

10. Simple Map
01. Intro Recap
02. Importing a map model
03. PolyBrush tool
04. Skybox
05. Tress and rocks
06. Post-processing
07. Adding the new map to our game
08. Bounding the map using invisible walls
09. Adding ambient sound
10. FIX PolyBrush issues

11. Crafting System
01. What we did so far
02. Importing assets
03. MaterialSO
04. RecipeSO
05. Refactoring ItemPanelHelper
06. Recipe Item Panel Helper
07. RecipeItemPanelHelper
08. Ingredient Crafting UI Panel
09. IngredientCraftingPanel
10. Adding crafting UI p1
11. Adding crafting UI p2
12. Crafting system p1
13. Crafting system p2
14. Crafting system p3
15. Finishing crafting system

12. Weapon state
01. What we did so far
02. Attack animation
03. Attack state
04. Item slot
05. Equipped item indicator
06. Modifying inventory system
07. Finishing equip weapon logic
08. IHittable interface
09. Finishing Resource Node
10. Hitting Resource Node
11. Weapon swing sound
12. Fixing bugs

13. Placement System
01. What we did so far
02. Refactoring
03. Adding PlacementState
04. Transitioning to PlacementState
05. Instantiating a structure
06. Moving placed structure with the player
07. Terrain height detection
08. Logic behind terrain height detection
09. Height difference check
10. Refactoring DetectionSystem
11. Preparing PlacementHelper
12. Shader graph transparent material
13. Checking collisions
14. Finishing placement logic
15. Saving and loading structures
16. Interacting with structures P1
17. Interacting with structures P2

14. Survival System
01. What we did so far
02. Adding structure highlight
03. Saving spawn position in the tent
04. Better Tent interaction p1
05. Better Tent interaction p2
06. Respawn objects when sleeping
07. PlayerStats UI
08. PlayerStats logic p1
09. PlayerStats logic p2
10. Saving PlayerStats
11. Enemy animations
12. Enemy behaviour p1
13. Enemy behaviour p2
14. Enemy behaviour p3
15. Enemy hit feedback
16. Good Work!

15. Extra
01. How to Debug
02. Fix inventory drop items
03. Fix jump animation
04. Storage scripts from scratch p1
05. Storage scripts from scratch p2
06. Fixing save system – issues with standalone build

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[Udemy] Unity 2019 Make a 3d survival game.7z

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