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Complete A.I. Art Generation Curse – Beginner 2 MASTER by The A.I. Whisperer


Release date:2022

Duration:04 h 07 m

Author:The A.I. Whis

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

In this course, you will dive into the fascinating world of generative art and learn various techniques and algorithms to create stunning and unique artworks. The course covers a wide range of topics, including GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks), Neural Networks, LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory), and more.

You will explore different projects and examples throughout the course, such as generating handwritten digits, creating art based on Bob Ross paintings, generating scripts for Star Wars, generating blogs using GPT-2, creating music with AI, and much more. The course also introduces advanced algorithms like VQGAN+CLIP, Liquid Warp GAN, StyleGAN2 Human Generator, and StyleGAN2 NFT Generator.

No prerequisites are required to take this course, as everything will be taught from the ground up. However, having some coding knowledge can be helpful, although not necessary.

The best part is that you won’t need to install anything on your computer. The course utilizes Google Colab, a cloud-based platform, where you can access all the necessary tools and resources. Additionally, the course provides over 50 Google Colab notebooks containing various art generation algorithms for you to explore.

By the end of the course, you will have acquired the skills and knowledge to become a master generative artist. Whether you want to create TikToks that garner millions of views or sell AI-generated artwork as paintings or NFTs, this course will equip you with the tips, tricks, and techniques to generate incredible art. You’ll also have the opportunity to join a community of generative artists in the provided Discord link.

As technology advances and new art algorithms emerge, this course will stay updated to keep you up to date with the latest trends. You can leverage these trends to change your life, whether it’s by monetizing your art or simply enjoying beautiful AI-generated artwork in your own space.

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01. Introduction

1. Introduction

02. What is a GAN & Neural Network

1. What is a GAN & Neural Network

03. Handwritten Digits Generator

1. Introduction!
3. Importing Python Packages for GAN
4. Variables for Neural Network & Data
5. Building Generator
6. Building Discriminator
7. Building Full GAN
8. Training our GAN!!!

04. CifarGAN

1. Importing Python Packages for GAN
3. Variables for Neural Network & Data
4. Building Generator
5. Building Discriminator
6. Training DCGAN!!!

05. Bob Ross Generator

1. Uploading Bob Ross Data to Colab
3. Resizing Images
4. Neural Networks
5. Load Data & Train!!

06. Painting Generator

1. Painting Generator!!

07. What is an LSTM

1. What is an LSTM

08. Shakespeare Generator

1. Importing & Getting Shakespeare Data!
3. Tokenize Text
4. Turn Text into Numbers
5. Build LSTM Neural Network
6. Training LSTM!
7. Generating Shakespeare!!!

09. Star Wars Script Generator

1. Star Wars Script Generator!

10. Blog Generator using GPT-2

1. Importing Python Packages for GPT-2
3. Downloading Tokenizer
4. Generating!

11. Chill Hop Generator

1. Importing Python Packages for Music Generator!
3. Uploading our Music Data to Colab
4. Scale Data
5. Creating Train Data for Neural Network
6. Building LSTM Neural Network
7. Generating Music!!!

12. Powerful GANs

03. Liquid Warp GAN
05. StyleGAN – This Person Does not exist
06. StyleGAN – This X does not exist
08. Pokemon Generator
10. CLIP Guided Diffusion

[Udemy] Complete A.I. Art Generation Curse – Beginner 2 MASTER by The A.I. Whisperer.7z
[Udemy] Complete A.I. Art Generation Curse – Beginner 2 MASTER by The A.I. Whisperer_Subtitles (2).7z
[Udemy] Complete A.I. Art Generation Curse – Beginner 2 MASTER by The A.I. Whisperer_Subtitles.7z

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