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Create and Animate Tank & Machine in Blender 2.93


Release date:2021, November

Duration:06 h 39 m

Author:Motion Guru

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

What Will I Learn?

  • 3D Modeling in Blender
  • Modifiers , Geometry Node & Compositing
  • Creating procedural material in Blender
  • Animating a Tank in Blender
  • Creating landscape
  • HDRI lighting and Rendering an Animation

Download Blender 2.93

Welcome to “Create and Animate Tank & Machine in Blender 2.93” This course uses only open-source software, Blender.

In this course, I will teach you Tank animation in an easy way. First we design a fantasy tank and then we animate it in a very easy way. You can use this method for other machines , robots and cars and animate them. I will use constraints to make ready our tank for final animation. During the process I explain all the tools, tips and tricks you need to improve your skills in the best way.After the tank design process completes, I will make HDRI for our scene and a very nice looking procedural material for our model and of course very realistic.

In addition, I will explain to you in general how to make your landscape and how to use Geometry Node for adding rocks and grass over your landscape to make a very realistic looking scene. Finally, I will animate the tank by using constraint at the first and in the next step I animate it using some key frame for location and rotation so that the tank moves back and forth and rotates in left and right.

and at the end i went through the shading tab and worked on an advanced HDRI setting to get extra realism and for rendering and went to compositing and manipulating some nodes to get better results with less samples. I will be using the Blender cycle for Rendering. all of these were done within a single program and incredibly, it is free to use.

Who is the target audience?
Beginner Blender users and intermediate.

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1. Introduction
01. Align the references

2. Modeling the wheel & body
01. modeling the wheel
02. wheel completed
03. wheel
04. curve wheel part 1
05. curve wheel part 2
06. Modeling the tank body
07. wheel connector to the body part 1
08. wheel connector to the body part 2
09. modeling the armored skirt
10. Extrude and n-Gone
11. comparison fixing the n-Gone by edge loop & boolean
12. making finish armored skirt
13. making the lamp
14. making the front chain
15. modeling the gun

3. Modeling the back side
01. making the back side of tank
02. making the back side cable part 1
03. making the back side cable part 2

4. Modeling the top gun
01. Making the top gun body
02. Adding the detail for one side of the top gun
03. Adding cable for that
04. Making the tank door
05. Making tank gunners primary sight
06. Making the top gun finish

5. Preparing the tank for the animation using constraint
01. making animation with constraint
02. fixing the wheel rotation
03. parenting all to the body

6. Setting up HDRI and making a procedural material
01. setting up HDRI & procedural material
02. making complete the procedural material
03. adding emissive & imperfection texture for roughness

7. General overview of landscape and geometry node
01. displacement, adding rocks and grass using geometry node

8. Final animation
01. animating the tank from beginning

9. Advanced HDRI & Compositing
01. HDRI advanced setting & use both bloom and denoiser in compositing

[Udemy] Create and Animate Tank & Machine in Blender 2.93_Subtitles.7z

Create and Animate Tank & Machine in Blender 2.93.7z

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  1. Hi Strawberry,
    Any possibility to include reference images files to course, please? Inside subtitles 7z file is subtitles but no images, I already looked.

    Thank you very much for sharing course!

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