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Advanced Acting (English, Russian)


Release date:2016

Duration:12 h 53 m

Author:Animation Mentor

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Not Provided

In the Advanced Character Acting Animation course, you will learn how to create cohesive shots that effectively convey your story and character arcs. With a focus on two-person dialogue shots, you will develop the skills to balance both performances and bring each character to life. By the end of the course, you will be able to create believable character relationships, from solid bonds between friends to rivalries between conflicting characters, all while focusing on your shot’s core beats.

What You’ll Learn

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of cinematography in animation, including elemental composition, lens selection, and camera mood, and learn how to use these elements to enhance your storytelling.
  • Develop the skills to analyze recorded audio and identify sections ideal for animation, including precise beats, phrases, and contrast, enabling you to create compelling performances.
  • Learn how to strike a balance in your two-person shot by bringing both characters to life while keeping the focus on the core narrative beats.
  • Explore the art of subtext and discover how to use external acting choices to reveal your character’s internal thought process, taking your performances to the next level.
  • Master the techniques needed to create cinematic shots that cut together seamlessly, resulting in a compelling and engaging story for your audience.

Skills You Need Before You Start
This character animation course requires a working understanding and experience with Autodesk Maya software. If you don’t, you can take our Maya Basics Workshop.

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  1. Hello,

    Could you please upload this course:

    it’s too expensive

    Thank you

  2. Hello,

    Could you please upload this course:

    it’s too expensive

    Thank you 🙂

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