An Introduction to Drawing for Beginners
Release date:2019
Duration:18 h 40 m
Author:Chris Legaspi, Heather Lenefsky
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
This is the perfect course to help you begin your artistic journey on the right foot! Join veteran New Masters Academy instructors as you learn the basics of drawing from materials, sharpening your pencil, and form to shading and rendering, all presented in a clear, step-by-step approach with assignments to help you along.
hello, you could upload Freelance Colorist By Waqas Qazi, dimitri usain courses,color grading central, taylor cut films university,
I would thank you a lot
Can you update it Steve Huston is a teacher in it and has more videos the course.
It that complete? I saw there is week 14
If possible please can u upload 🥺