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Introduction to Toon Boom Harmony (Spanish, Eng sub)


Release date:2022

Duration:04 h 30 m

Author:Pedro Alpera

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Learn to create 2D animations with this industry-leading software and bring your stories and characters to life.

Toon Boom Harmony has become the standard software in the animation industry and one of illustrator and animator Pedro Alpera’s personal favorites. His professional experience includes working with major clients like WeTransfer, Muno, Paramount Comedy, and Cartoon Network. In this 7-part Domestika Basics, he teaches you all you need to use the software without any previous experience. Discover how he works to create your incredible 2D animations and give life to your animated stories and characters.

You can start by understanding how the software works, go through its characteristics and primary tools to get familiar with the interface and set up your preferences.

In the second course, explore the options available for drawing and adding color. Pedro teaches you how to use the drawing tools and introduces you to the layer functions.

Start animating in Toon Boom Harmony in the third course by discovering the main tools, such as the timeline and interpretations.

In the fourth course, see the methods to create masks, get introduced to nodes, and learn how to work with them and create effects.

Go a step further by creating bones and deformers for your animated characters in the fifth course, and learn some Rig tricks to help you work on your project.

Although Toon Boom Harmony is a 2D program, it also has a 3D space, which you will discover in the sixth course. You can see how to work depth and see some viewer modes to navigate through the interface easy to conclude the course.

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1384 C1L1 Introduccio-n
1384 C1L2 Pantalla de inicio
1384 C1L3 Preferencias
1384 C1L4 Interfaz y espacios de trabajo
1384 C1L5 Herramientas ba-sicas
1384 C1L6 Pra-ctica
1384 C2L1 Introduccio-n al curso y la carta de color
1384 C2L10 Capas vectoriales o capas mapa de bits
1384 C2L11 Pra-ctica
1384 C2L2 La-piz y pincel
1384 C2L3 El cutter
1384 C2L4 Capas
1384 C2L5 Subcapas
1384 C2L6 La vista de ca-mara y la vista de dibujo
1384 C2L7 Color
1384 C2L8 Paletas de color
1384 C2L9 Gui-as de dibujo
1384 C3L1 Introduccio-n al curso y la li-nea de tiempo
1384 C3L2 Papel cebolla
1384 C3L3 Animando una nube de humo
1384 C3L4 Sustitucio-n de dibujos
1384 C3L5 Interpolaciones en Harmony
1384 C3L6 La pelota que bota con interpolacio-n
1384 C3L7 Morphing
1384 C3L8 Personalizando la li-nea de tiempo
1384 C3L9 Pra-ctica
1384 C4L1 Introduccio-n y asi- funcionan los nodos
1384 C4L2 Organizando los nodos
1384 C4L3 Cómo hacer una ma-scara
1384 C4L4 Efectos – Transparencia
1384 C4L5 Efectos – Glow
1384 C4L6 Efectos – Sombra
1384 C4L7 Pra-ctica
1384 C5L1 Introduccio-n al curso y el deformador hueso
1384 C5L2 Deformador curva
1384 C5L3 Deformador envelope o envoltorio
1384 C5L4 Deformador forma libre
1384 C5L5 Deformador curvelope o curva-envoltorio
1384 C5L6 Pra-ctica
1384 C6L1 Introduccio-n al curso y el eje Z
1384 C6L2 Peg 3D
1384 C6L3 La vista perspectiva
1384 C6L4 La ca-mara
1384 C6L5 Pra-ctica
1384 C7L1 Introduccio-n al curso y co-mo importar una imagen o un vi-deo
1384 C7L2 Importar un sonido
1384 C7L3 Importar un fichero Adobe Illustrator
1384 C7L4 Importar y exportar elementos entre ficheros Harmony
1384 C7L5 Exportar desde Harmony
1384 C7L6 Pra-ctica
[Domestika] Introduction to Toon Boom Harmony (Spanish, Eng sub).7z
[Domestika] Introduction to Toon Boom Harmony (Spanish, Eng sub)_Subtitles.7z

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  1. Hey! Can you add this course please: Domestika – Creation of realistic props for video games ( Thanks!

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