Title Sequence Animation in After Effects by Paul McDonnell
Release date:2020
Duration:03 h 23 m
Author:Paul McDonnell
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Learn to Create a Striking Opening Sequence for Film or TV
Master the art of editing images and layouts in Photoshop and bring them to life in After Effects.
Title design is a crucial part of a movie’s success—it’s the first sixty seconds that hook the audience. For designer Paul McDonnell, it’s also a chance to work on a diverse range of projects, from children’s shows like The Worst Witch to horror series like Intruders.
In this online course, you’ll learn the complete process of creating a film title sequence for any genre. From sourcing and compiling visuals to editing an engaging scene, you’ll discover how to tie everything together with the perfect soundtrack. By the end of the course, you’ll not only gain a deep understanding of title design and animation but also have a polished project to add to your portfolio.