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Sketching by Egor Grishin (Скетчинг – Russian, Eng sub)
Sketching is a technique of fast drawing that allows for a visual representation of composition, main ideas, and image structure. It is essential for creating rough drafts.
To sketch skillfully means to increase the speed, expressiveness, and constructive basis of your sketches, through conscious work on composition and emphasis.
The main difference between sketching and other techniques is mobility. Everything a sketcher needs to create the next masterpiece can be carried in a pocket or shoulder bag – just a notebook and a pencil are enough.
[XYZ School] Sketching by Egor Grishin (Скетчинг – Russian, Eng sub)
Teacher – Yegor Grishin, a 2D artist and illustrator who has collaborated with Games Workshop and other major companies.
You will take the first steps towards becoming an artist, even if you have never drawn before.
You will learn sketching skills necessary for game development, illustrating, or cinema.
You will create numerous individual sketch illustrations: from organic to complex mechanisms.
You will take the first steps towards becoming an artist, even if you have never drawn before.
[XYZ School] Sketching by Egor Grishin“Sketching is a standalone stage of an artist’s development, which, however, if desired, can become a basis for improvement in other more complex directions.”
Yegor Grishin, the course author
Who is the course for
For anyone who wants to start learning digital drawing with a strong foundation. And also for those who already draw, but would like to improve their existing skills and master the base necessary for professional growth.
The goal of the course
The main goal is to allow you to take the first step towards becoming an artist. If you cannot draw, we will teach you everything you need from scratch.
To achieve this, we will need to develop your spatial thinking, mastery of perspective, and line. We will teach you not only to copy, but also to combine and stylize what you see.
“Our main goal in the course is to see that any object in the world consists of simple forms. If we master them perfectly, then we will be unlimited in creating new works, except for our own imagination.”
What you will learn:
To create sketches of any objects: buildings, flora, fauna, humans, realistic urban landscapes or fantasy mechanisms.
To think in three dimensions.
To analyze drawings, breaking down complex objects or shapes into simpler ones.
To transform simple forms: stretch, compress, swap.
To confidently master “line” – the main tool of a sketcher.
To understand composition and perspective.
To add detail to sketches for creating full-fledged artworks.
To convey the plot solely by visual means.
[XYZ School] Sketching“Sketching is not about chasing perfectionism, it gives us the freedom to draw a lot and quickly, enjoying the process.”
What you will get after completing the course
You will have three major works and numerous sketches on a variety of topics such as objects, characters, buildings, and more in your portfolio.
To receive your diploma, you will need to create a sketch-composition of an object from multiple perspectives. We will take an animal skeleton as the object since it consists of many complex geometric shapes.
You will need to build a competent composition from scratch, determine an interesting perspective on the object, understand what is essential and what is secondary, and position it in space to make the work appear harmonious.
Career opportunities for a Sketch Artist
Having mastered the technique of sketching, an artist can choose to stay in this format and consciously develop their skills in this direction, or they can use their acquired knowledge to work in animation, creating concept art for video games, defining the visual style of movies or books, creating their own visual universes, or working on comics.
It should be understood that initially, the artist will inevitably be engaged in small technical tasks for commissions, and only much later, having gained experience and established themselves in the professional sphere, will be able to take on their own visual projects.
“The more visual freedom you have, the cooler the content will be. Roughly speaking, sketching is your personal hammer, with which you hammer in nails. And what you can build using these nails is determined only by your imagination”.[XYZ School] Sketching (English sub)
A good sketcher needs:
Spatial thinking and understanding of form – to analyze and modify what they see in their work.
Understanding of composition and ability to work with line – these are the main means of communication with the viewer.
Attention to detail and creativity – inspiration can be found even in the simplest things.
Discipline – frequent and thoughtful training sessions with paper and pen will yield better results than sporadic work.
Background – a personal characteristic that determines how numerous and diverse the sources of inspiration are for the sketcher, whether it be books, movies, games, events, phenomena, people, etc.
Course Program
The course program is divided into thematic blocks, each of which includes two or three independent lessons.
Block 1. Basics
Universal tips for improving the final work that are applicable to all drawings regardless of the level of execution, from primitive “stick-figure” drawings to serious art pieces.
Students will work with construction, stroke, and “line,” use references in their work, create thumbnails, and master the variability of sketching.
Three ways to improve your drawings.
Simple rendering for sketching.
Block 2. Perspective
In this block, students will learn and apply the theory of linear perspective in practice, creating various structures and their interiors: from fantasy castles to high-tech research centers.
We will also dedicate a lot of time to aerial perspective, which means creating images with depth and planes (near, middle, far) and working with accents.
Basics of perspective.
Block 3. Cylinders
“The simplest” form that is the basis of most works. In this block, students will learn how to properly incorporate cylinders into the context of an image and modify them according to their own wishes.
Simple cylinders.
Complex cylindrical shapes.
Drapery. Stroke.
Block 4. Basics of composition
Here, students learn how to properly combine objects on the canvas, creating complex images based on simple forms.
Basics of composition.
Organic forms and line.
Textures, duplication.
Block 5. Plasticity and Rhythm
In this block, students refine the entire complex of skills they have acquired on complex forms.
Fish. Plasticity. Sections.
Insects. Rhythm. Lineart nuances.
Final work.
Block 6. Simplification/Hypertrophy
We break down images into geometric primitives and modify them.
Sketching is the foundation that every 2D artist needs to master. It is the starting point for a career in film, game development, or animation. If you don’t know how to sketch, you won’t be able to create a good drawing with the right composition.
By learning how to sketch properly and quickly, you’ll be able to create several versions of your future artwork and choose the best one. As a result, you’ll improve the quality of your work.
Table of Contents
├── Block 1. Basics
│ ├── 1. Introduction
│ │ ├── 1. Introduction
│ │ │ └── 1. Introduction
│ │ ├── 2. PS, SAI, ProCreate interface
│ │ │ ├── Procreate Interface
│ │ │ └── PS, SAI interface
│ │ └── 3. Image Approaches
│ │ ├── 01. What is the course about
│ │ ├── 02. Adjusting the brushes
│ │ ├── 05. We analyze the components of your house from lesson zero
│ │ ├── 07. Draw and complete our version
│ │ ├── 09. Minimal render
│ │ └── 11. Sketches from nature
│ ├── 2. Three ways to improve your drawings
│ │ ├── 01. Warm-up
│ │ ├── 02. Construction
│ │ ├── 06. Stroke in shape
│ │ ├── 10. Line zoning
│ │ └── 13. Consolidation. House
│ └── 3. A simple render for sketching
│ ├── 01. Warm-up 20 min
│ ├── 02. Render for sketching part 1
│ ├── 06. Render for sketching part 2
│ ├── 09. Armor render
│ └── 11. Battles and duels
├── Block 2. Perspective
│ ├── 1. The basics of perspective
│ │ ├── 01. Single point perspective
│ │ ├── 03. One-point perspective. Anchoring
│ │ ├── 04. Two-Point Perspective
│ │ ├── 08. Two-Point Perspective. Anchoring
│ │ ├── 09. Three-Point Perspective
│ │ ├── 11. Three-point perspective. Anchoring
│ │ ├── 12. Fisheye and isometry
│ │ ├── 15. Life hacks for working with perspective
│ │ ├── 16. Stairs
│ │ └── 17. Tone in sketches
│ ├── 2. Construction
│ │ ├── 01. Warm-up
│ │ └── 02. Construction
│ └── 3. Interior
│ ├── 01. Warm-up
│ ├── 02. Interior at 3 points
│ └── 05. Work process
├── Block 3. Cylinders
│ ├── 1. Cylinders. simple shapes
│ │ ├── 01. Complex cylinders
│ │ ├── 04. Warm-up. Ellipses
│ │ ├── 05. Barrel and belt
│ │ └── 07. Dynamics and contraction
│ ├── 2. Cylinders. complex shapes
│ │ ├── 01. Warm-up. cylinders
│ │ ├── 02. Embedding cylinders
│ │ └── 04. Embedding in muscles
│ └── 3. Drapery. Hatch
│ ├── 01. Warm-up. Cylindrical shapes
│ ├── 02. Plastic cylinders
│ ├── 05. Creases at the fold
│ ├── 09. Hanging folds
│ ├── 13. Spiral folds
│ ├── 15. Mix of folds
│ ├── 16. Clothing. Practice.
│ └── 20. Simplified diagram
├── Block 4. Composition
│ ├── 1. Fundamentals of composition
│ │ ├── 01. Fundamentals of composition
│ │ ├── 02. Warm-up 1
│ │ ├── 03. Warm-up 2
│ │ ├── 05. Composition task
│ │ └── 06. Sketching example
│ ├── 2. Plastic and organic
│ │ ├── 01. Plastic and organic part 1
│ │ ├── 05. Plastic and organic part 2
│ │ ├── 09. S-curve
│ │ ├── 11. Plastics and organics Part 3
│ │ ├── 15. Plastic and organic Part 4
│ │ ├── 19. Plastic and organic Part 5
│ │ ├── 21. An example of an organic composition Part 1
│ │ ├── 22. An example of an organic composition Part 2
│ │ └── 24. Bush composition final
│ └── 3. Textures, duplication
│ ├── 01. Silhouette and deformation
│ ├── 04. Inner silhouette
│ ├── 06. Glossy, haze
│ ├── 08. Own drawing
│ ├── 12. Example 1. Wool
│ ├── 13. Example 2. Scales
│ ├── 15. Example 3. Ivy
│ ├── 16. Example 4. Grass
│ └── 17. Example 5. Rock
├── Block 5. Plasticity and rhythm
│ ├── 1. Anatomy of animals
│ │ ├── 01. Fundamentals of Animal Anatomy Part 1
│ │ └── 04. Fundamentals of animal anatomy part 2
│ ├── 2. Hypertrophy
│ │ ├── 01. Animal Simplification
│ │ ├── 03. Simplifying Trees
│ │ ├── 05. Technique hypertrophy
│ │ └── 08. Animal hypertrophy
│ └── 3. Final work. Skeleton
│ ├── 01. Sketching. Draw bones
│ └── 03. Briefing for the final
└── Streams
├── Stream 01. Sketches from nature 11/5/2020
│ └── Stream 01. Sketches from nature 5.11.2020
├── Stream 02. How to draw organic 9.11.2020
│ └── Stream 02. How to draw organic 9.11.2020
├── Stream 03. Layered work 11/10/2020
│ └── Stream 03. Layered work 10.11.2020
├── Stream 04. Tone and its meaning 11/17/2020
│ └── Stream 04. Tone and its meaning 11/17/2020
├── Stream 05. Stroke 11/24/2020
│ └── Stream 05. Stroke 11/24/2020
├── Stream 06. Rose 01.12.2020
│ └── Stream 06. Rose 01.12.2020
├── Stream 07. Fish 08.12.2020
│ └── Stream 07. Fish 08.12.2020
├── Stream 08. Tree 12/15/2020
│ └── Stream 08. Tree 12/15/2020
├── Stream 09 and 10. Character concept 22 and 29.12.2020
│ ├── Character. Part 01
│ └── Character. Part 02
├── Stream 11. Action Line 01/19/2021
│ └── Stream 11. Action Line 01/19/2021
├── Stream 12. Action Line 2. 01/26/2021
│ └── Stream 12. Action Line 2. 01/26/2021
├── Stream 13. Action Line 3. 02.02.2021
│ └── Stream 13. Action Line 3. 02.02.2021
├── Stream 14. Fundamentals of plasticity and dynamics. Shoulder girdle. 09.02.2021
│ └── Stream 14. Fundamentals of plasticity and dynamics. Shoulder girdle. 09.02.2021
├── Stream 15. Priests 02/16/2021
│ └── Stream 15. Priests 16.02.2021
├── Stream 16. Hands. 23.02.2021
├── Блок 1. Основы
│ ├── 1. Введение
│ │ ├── 1. Введение
│ │ │ └── 1. Введение
│ │ ├── 2. Интерфейс PS, SAI, ProCreate
│ │ │ ├── Интерфейс Procreate
│ │ │ └── Интерфейс PS, SAI
│ │ └── 3. Подходы к изображению
│ │ ├── 01. О чем курс
│ │ ├── 02. Настройка кистей
│ │ ├── 05. Анализируем составляющие вашего дома из нулевого урока
│ │ ├── 07. Отрисовываем и дополняем наш вариант
│ │ ├── 09. Минимальный рендер
│ │ └── 11. Зарисовки с натуры
│ ├── 2. Три способа улучшить свои рисунки
│ │ ├── 01. Разминка
│ │ ├── 02. Построение
│ │ ├── 06. Штрих по форме
│ │ ├── 10. Зонирование лайном
│ │ └── 13. Закрепление. Дом
│ └── 3. Простой рендер для скетчинга
│ ├── 01. Разминка 20 мин
│ ├── 02. Рендер для скетчинга ч.1
│ ├── 06. Рендер для скетчинга ч.2
│ ├── 09. Рендер доспехов
│ └── 11. Батлы и дуэли
├── Блок 2. Перспектива
│ ├── 1. Основы перспективы
│ │ ├── 01. Одноточечная перспектива
│ │ ├── 03. Одноточечная перспектива. Закрепление
│ │ ├── 04. Двухточечная перспектива
│ │ ├── 08. Двухточечная перспектива. Закрепление
│ │ ├── 09. Трехточечная перспектива
│ │ ├── 11. Трехточечная перспектива. Закрепление
│ │ ├── 12. Рыбий глаз и изометрия
│ │ ├── 15. Лайфхаки для работы с перспективой
│ │ ├── 16. Лестница
│ │ └── 17. Тон в набросках
│ ├── 2. Сооружение
│ │ ├── 01. Разминка
│ │ └── 02. Сооружение
│ └── 3. Интерьер
│ ├── 01. Разминка
│ ├── 02. Интерьер в 3-х точках
│ └── 05. Процесс работы
├── Блок 3. Цилиндры
│ ├── 1. Цилиндры. Простые формы
│ │ ├── 01. Сложные цилиндры
│ │ ├── 04. Разминка. Эллипсы
│ │ ├── 05. Бочка и ремень
│ │ └── 07. Динамика и сокращение
│ ├── 2. Цилиндры. Сложные формы
│ │ ├── 01. Разминка. Цилиндры
│ │ ├── 02. Встраивание цилиндров
│ │ └── 04. Встраивание в мышцы
│ └── 3. Драпировка. Штрих
│ ├── 01. Разминка. Цилиндрические формы
│ ├── 02. Пластика цилиндров
│ ├── 05. Складки на сгибе
│ ├── 09. Свисающие складки
│ ├── 13. Спиральные складки
│ ├── 15. Микс из складок
│ ├── 16. Одежда. Практика.
│ └── 20. Упрощенная схема
├── Блок 4. Композиция
│ ├── 1. Основы композиции
│ │ ├── 01. Основы композиции
│ │ ├── 02. Разминка 1
│ │ ├── 03. Разминка 2
│ │ ├── 05. Композиция задание
│ │ └── 06. Пример скетчинг
│ ├── 2. Пластика и органика
│ │ ├── 01. Пластика и органика ч.1
│ │ ├── 05. Пластика и органика ч.2
│ │ ├── 09. S-образная кривая
│ │ ├── 11. Пластика и органика Ч.3
│ │ ├── 15. Пластика и органика Ч.4
│ │ ├── 19. Пластика и органика Ч.5
│ │ ├── 21. Пример органической композиции Ч.1
│ │ ├── 22. Пример органической композиции Ч.2
│ │ └── 24. Композиция куста финал
│ └── 3. Текстуры, дублирование
│ ├── 01. Силуэт и деформация
│ ├── 04. Внутренний силуэт
│ ├── 06. Глянцевость, матовость
│ ├── 08. Собственный рисунок
│ ├── 12. Пример 1. Шерсть
│ ├── 13. Пример 2. Чешуя
│ ├── 15. Пример 3. Плющ
│ ├── 16. Пример 4. Трава
│ └── 17. Пример 5. Скала
├── Блок 5. Пластика и ритм
│ ├── 1. Анатомия животных
│ │ ├── 01. Основы анатомии животных ч.1
│ │ └── 04. Основы анатомии животных ч.2
│ ├── 2. Гипертрофия
│ │ ├── 01. Упрощение животных
│ │ ├── 03. Упрощение деревьев
│ │ ├── 05. Гипертрофия техники
│ │ └── 08. Гипертрофия животных
│ └── 3. Финальная работа. Скелет
│ ├── 01. Скетчинг. Рисуем кости
│ └── 03. Инструктаж к финалке
└── Стримы
├── Стрим 01. Зарисовки с натуры 5.11.2020
│ └── Стрим 01. Зарисовки с натуры 5.11.2020
├── Стрим 02. Как рисовать органику 9.11.2020
│ └── Стрим 02. Как рисовать органику 9.11.2020
├── Стрим 03. Послойная работа 10.11.2020
│ └── Стрим 03. Послойная работа 10.11.2020
├── Стрим 04. Тон и его значение 17.11.2020
│ └── Стрим 04. Тон и его значение 17.11.2020
├── Стрим 05. Штрих 24.11.2020
│ └── Стрим 05. Штрих 24.11.2020
├── Стрим 06. Роза 01.12.2020
│ └── Стрим 06. Роза 01.12.2020
├── Стрим 07. Рыба 08.12.2020
│ └── Стрим 07. Рыба 08.12.2020
├── Стрим 08. Дерево 15.12.2020
│ └── Стрим 08. Дерево 15.12.2020
├── Стрим 09 и 10. Концепт персонажа 22 и 29.12.2020
│ ├── Персонаж. Часть 01
│ └── Персонаж. Часть 02
├── Стрим 11. Линия действия 19.01.2021
│ └── Стрим 11. Линия действия 19.01.2021
├── Стрим 12. Линия действия 2. 26.01.2021
│ └── Стрим 12. Линия действия 2. 26.01.2021
├── Стрим 13. Линия действия 3. 02.02.2021
│ └── Стрим 13. Линия действия 3. 02.02.2021
├── Стрим 14. Основы пластики и динамики. Плечевой пояс. 09.02.2021
│ └── Стрим 14. Основы пластики и динамики. Плечевой пояс. 09.02.2021
├── Стрим 15. Попы 16.02.2021
│ └── Стрим 15. Попы 16.02.2021
├── Стрим 16. Руки. 23.02.2021
│ └── Стрим 16. Руки. 23.02.2021
├── Стрим 17. Разбор работ. 02.03.2021
│ └── Стрим 17. Разбор работ. 02.03.2021
├── Стрим 18. Ноги. 09.03.2021
│ └── Стрим 18. Ноги. 09.03.2021
├── Стрим 19. Фигура 23.03.2021
│ └── Стрим 19. Фигура 23.03.2021
├── Стрим 20. Движение и объем. 30.03.2021
│ └── Стрим 20. Движение и объем. 30.03.2021
├── Стрим 21. Гипертрофия. 06.04.2021
│ └── Стрим 21. Гипертрофия. 06.04.2021
├── Стрим 22. Казуальная стилизация. 13.04.2021
│ └── Стрим 22. Казуальная стилизация. 13.04.2021
└── Стрим 23. Органика. 27.04.2021
└── Стрим 23. Органика. 27.04.2021
Hello! Why many videos are missing?
Where’s the rest of the missing vids?
This is the whole course. What videos do you mean?
there are missing videos in every block, sir.
I think this is the numbering issue
hey is it possible for you to get
this course?