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Unity Tech Art Realistic Lighting For Game Development


Release date:2019

Duration:10 h 35 m

Author:Wilmer Lin, Rick Davidson, by Ben Tristem

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

What Will I Learn?
Complete A to Z of lighting in Unity
How to enhance your 3D game worlds with clever lighting strategies
Build fast and efficient lighting setups for early prototyping of games
Build complex lighting setups with direct lighting and global illumination
Customize stock or Asset Store assets through lighting
Create dramatic cinematic atmosphere using lighting
Creating shader effects using the visual ShaderGraph editor

Unity 2018.1 and later (free edition)
Basic working knowledge of the Unity Editor

November/December 2018 Update: Check out our new Section on the ShaderGraph! Creating shaders can now be done without writing a single line of code!

Making your Unity games look amazing is easier than you think. You don’t need to be great at programming and don’t need incredible 3D art skills.

Creating immersive games starts with understanding the secrets of lighting and being able to squeeze maximum value from your technical art pipeline.

This course assumes that you’re a little bit familiar with Unity but doesn’t require you to have any programming or art experience. We will take you through Unity’s lighting toolset and discuss everything from colour theory to shadows to materials that emit light.

More specifically, the course will start off with basic light set ups such as a single point light and build up to complex lighting setups. Among other things, the course covers:

Direct realtime lighting including directional lights, point lights and spotlights.

Global illumination theory and principles, both realtime and baked (pre-rendered).

Emissive materials and how they can be used to make specific items in your scene stand out.

Three- and four-point lighting set ups – how to create them, how to vary them and how to use them for different effects in your games.

ShaderGraph: get started using Unity’s visual editor for creating shaders!

Want to get started with Unity 3D from scratch? Check-out our Complete Unity Developer 3D course. Want to create great environments in Blender instead of Unity? Check out our Blender Environment Artist course.

We follow a project-and-challenge approach which means you don’t just sit there and watch us, you follow along and flex your own creative muscles to create interesting game moments. We all learn best by doing (rather than just watching)!

You will also be asked to take on a bigger challenge and light your own scene. This serves as a great portfolio piece, or just something to show yourself what you’re capable of once you’ve finished the course.

Unity is a fantastic engine which enables you to make production-quality games. Furthermore these games can be created for Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android and Web from a single source!

This course is perfect for programmers who want to make their game more interesting, for 3D artists who want to triple how amazing their artwork looks, designers who dream of creating cinematic moments worthy of AAA games, and anyone else who is interested in leveling up their tech art skills.

Come and join us in this course now – you’ll be amazed at what you’re capable of creating!

Who is the target audience?
Unity developers (or anyone) interested in 3d art
Beginning 3d technical artists interested in Unity3d
No programming or scripting is required for this course!

Table of Contents

Introduction 15:18
Welcome 02:06
How to Use this Course 06:57
Lighting Basics Project 00:37
Unity Versions 05:38

Direct Lighting 01:34:01
Lighting Overview 02:46
Directional Lights 13:13
Shadows 10:25
Point Lights 13:22
Spotlights 12:28
Light Cookies 08:44
Three-Point Lighting 14:19
Light Explorer 08:15
Section 2 Instructor Hangout 08:28
Check Your Understanding (Direct Lighting) 7 questions
Section 2 Conclusion 02:01

Global Illumination 02:18:05
Introduction to Global Illumination 05:09
Realtime Global Illumination 12:39
Realtime GI Settings 15:03
Baked Global Illumination 13:37
Progressive Lightmapper 12:18
Environment Lighting 13:48
Procedural Skyboxes 13:34
Image-based Lighting 15:14
Ambient Occlusion 14:16
Environment Reflections 12:36
Section 3 Instructor Hangout 07:00
Section 3 Conclusion 02:51

Sci-Fi Corridor 03:08:17
Sci-Fi Corridor Introduction 03:28
Area Lights 13:35
Emissive Materials 12:27
Post-processing Stack (Version 1) 15:05
Post-processing Stack (Version 2) 13:45
Finishing touches 11:33
FPS Camera 15:56
Masks and Layers 17:31
Iteration Settings 05:54
Mixed Lighting 17:50
Light Probes 15:56
Reflection Probes 17:28
Screen Space Reflections 06:58
PostProcessVolumes 16:51
Section 4 Conclusion 04:00

Lighting Pipeline and Technique 26:50
Section Notes 02:10
Introduction to Pipelines 02:59
Frustum Culling 07:26
Occlusion Culling 14:15

ShaderGraph 02:52:45
Project Setup 09:41
ShaderGraph Introduction 12:42
Highlight Shader 11:56
Texture Nodes 08:11
MeshHighlighter Script 09:25
SubGraphs 17:53
Time 15:08
Tiling and Offset 19:14
Edge Noise (Part 1) 14:06
Edge Noise (Part 2) 17:01
Lerp 08:53
Position 11:17
Object and World Space 09:30
Forcefield Ramp 07:48

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  1. This is such an amazing course, but I have noticed that in the chapter 5 (Lighting Pipeline and Technique) there the 5th and 6th video are missing(forward rendering and deferred rendering, respectively) if you can upload those, would be awesome. Anyways, what you are doing is incredible, thank you for all the work bringing us with free courses, keep it up.

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