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The Lost Castle-Photoshop advanced manipulation course by Nour Design


Release date:2023, May

Duration:03 h 43 m

Author:Nour Design

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

In this class on creating an engaging photo manipulation design using Adobe Photoshop, you will be guided by a digital artist, instructor, and YouTuber. The instructor will share a variety of useful techniques and best practices that they have personally used in their own work. The focus of this workshop is on improving your photo manipulation skills with an emphasis on working with type.

The class will follow these steps:

  • The Idea: Explore the initial concept and idea for your photo manipulation design.
  • Getting Started with the Background: Begin by working on the background of your design, setting the foundation for the rest of the composition.
  • Preparing Foreground Elements: Prepare the elements that will be placed in the foreground of your design.
  • Preparing Midground: Focus on the midground elements and prepare them accordingly.
  • Creating the Monster: Dive into creating the central monster character for your design, paying attention to details and composition.
  • Adjusting Lightness Values: Fine-tune the lightness values of your design elements to create a cohesive look.
  • Adjusting Saturation: Make adjustments to the saturation levels of your design to achieve the desired visual impact.
  • Adjusting the Colors: Explore color adjustments and enhancements to further enhance the overall aesthetic.
  • Drawing Light and Shadow: Add depth and realism to your design by carefully drawing and incorporating light and shadow effects.
  • Drawing Ambient Lights: Learn how to create ambient lighting effects to add atmosphere and mood to your design.
  • Adding Fog Effect: Introduce a fog effect to create a sense of depth and mystery in your composition.
  • Final Effects & Grading: Apply final effects and grading techniques to polish your design and give it a professional finish.

To get the most out of this class, it is recommended to have basic familiarity with Adobe Photoshop. However, the instructor will provide guidance and explanations throughout the process.

As a creative challenge, you are encouraged to use the same images provided in the class but aim to create a better concept by exploring different color modes. This allows you to apply your own creativity and experiment with various visual possibilities.

Nour Design aims to enrich online graphic design content by sharing practical knowledge and experience in an easy and illustrative way. Through tutorials, the focus is on explaining the process behind specific designs and the concept ideas behind them.

Enjoy watching the class and have fun applying the techniques to your own photo manipulation designs!

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