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Stable Diffusion 101 – Create Custom Anime Art with AI


Release date:2023

Duration:01 h 40 m

Author:Baba dook

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Stable Diffusion is indeed a highly popular and widely used artificial intelligence image generation tool. It distinguishes itself from competitors like Midjourney or DALL·E 2 by being free and open source, providing users with more accessibility and flexibility. An additional advantage is that stable diffusion can be utilized directly on your computer, enabling local usage without relying on external platforms.

To run stable diffusion locally, it is essential to have an NVIDIA graphics card with a minimum of 4GB of VRAM. This hardware requirement ensures optimal performance and efficient image generation using the stable diffusion tool.

Our comprehensive training program is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge to fully master AI image generation with stable diffusion. Throughout the course, you will learn a wide range of techniques, tricks, and best practices to make the most effective use of stable diffusion. With stable diffusion at your disposal, you will have the ability to create any type of image, limited only by your imagination. Whether you need to generate photos, drawings, illustrations, or even assets for video games, stable diffusion empowers you to bring your artistic vision to life. Furthermore, you can leverage stable diffusion to produce posters, merchandise, books, videos, and incorporate the resulting images into commercial projects.

By completing this comprehensive training, you will gain the expertise required to utilize stable diffusion to its full potential, enabling you to create captivating and high-quality images for various purposes. So, join us now and unlock the limitless possibilities of AI image generation with stable diffusion!

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  1. Will you please upload these Coloso courses? I’m trying to learn and draw cyberpunk stuff so this would HELP me tremendously!

    Intro to Mech Drawing for Sci-Fi Illustration

    Creating Your Own Unique Characters

  2. hi can you please upload graphic design coloso courses like these?

    Expressing Key Elements for Creative Graphic Design

    Mastering Visualization through Art & Design

    Atypical Graphic Designs through Practical Branding

    Thank you!

  3. Is it possible to upload this course?

    thank you so much :’)

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