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How To Draw Hairy Creatures In Photoshop by Chris Scalf


Release date:2018, April

Duration:02 h 41 m

Author:Chris Scalf

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

That sounds like an engaging and insightful journey through the creative process! Starting with a doodle and real photo references to inspire a spontaneous illustration of a fantastical creature is a great way to encourage creativity and experimentation. It’s fascinating to witness the evolution of an idea and see the challenges and decisions that arise during the artistic process.

Sharing the struggles and moments of uncertainty during the creation of the artwork is incredibly valuable. It humanizes the creative process and shows that even experienced artists encounter hurdles. Highlighting these challenges and demonstrating how to navigate through them can inspire others to keep pushing forward in their own artistic endeavors.

Encouraging artists not to halt at the first sign of dissatisfaction but to explore alternative paths until reaching a satisfying resolution is a fantastic lesson. It emphasizes the importance of persistence, adaptability, and creative problem-solving in art. It’s through these challenges and explorations that the most rewarding and fulfilling artistic outcomes often emerge.

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