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Learn Professional 2D Game Graphic Design In Photoshop by Jaysen Batchelor


Release date:2017, February

Duration:07 h 36 m

Author:Jaysen Batchelor

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

This course sounds like an exciting journey into the world of game graphic design! Covering a range of essential skills, from mastering Photoshop tools to creating professional-quality game assets, it seems comprehensive and beneficial for beginners and aspiring game designers alike.

The structured approach, guiding learners from foundational Photoshop skills to advanced asset creation and animation techniques, is promising. Moreover, the variety of projects, each focusing on different aspects of game graphic design, ensures a well-rounded learning experience.

The promise of lifetime access to course materials, direct contact with the tutor, and responsive support adds significant value to the learning package. Additionally, the money-back guarantee within the first 30 days reflects confidence in the course content and its ability to deliver on its promises.

From basics like drawing and color theory to more advanced topics such as sprite sheet creation and animation, this course seems to cover a wide spectrum of skills necessary for creating game assets.

The emphasis on creating assets inspired by popular games like Rayman and Crossy Road provides a practical understanding of industry standards, which is valuable for anyone aspiring to enter the gaming industry.

Overall, this course appears to offer a well-structured, comprehensive, and supportive learning environment for those eager to dive into the realm of game graphic design using Photoshop.

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00 Introduction to the course

01 Introduction to the course
02 How to get the most out of this course!
03 What will you get from this course

01 Getting Started

04 Free Photoshop & what you will need to complete this course
05 An introduction to Photoshop Learn the basic tools well be using
06 Making your workflow faster with hotkeys!
07 Using the brush tool and controlling it with hotkeys
08 Creating layers and what you can do with them
09 learn how to label your layers

02 Design Process

10 Brainstorming Where and how to find inspiration for your desing
11 Creating thumbnails for your design
12 Further detailing and designing your thumbnail
13 Sketching out the designs for each part of your background
14 Piecing our drawings to gather to create one composition
15 Learn to quickly blocking in your values

03 Creating the final artwork

16 Creating your sky as your base background
17 Adding quick stylized clouds to your sky
18 Creating mountains on your horizon
19 Organizing our background layers
20 Quickly build your islands from scratch!
21 Merging your layers and creating the floating islands
22 Finishing up the base for your islands
23 Learn how to create and add texture to your islands
24 Shading your islands to add depth
25 Changing the color of your shadows and creating grass
26 Building your tree assets
27 Placing your trees in your background
28 Carving out a cavern in your island for your under water windows
29 Building your reflective bubble window assets
30 Placing the bubble widows into your background and adding there shadows
31 Creating the base for your castle tower
32 Adding highlights to your castle to create a 3D effect
33 Building your railing and lip
34 Adding doorways and windows to your castle
35 Creating the finial for your castle top
36 Building your mini spires by reusing assets
37 Getting your layers organized
38 Adding a second tower to your castle
39 Adding your third tower
40 Building your fourth structure
41 Creating your castle skyline
42 Building the last piece of your castle
43 Adding shadows to your castle and placing it in your background
44 Adding cast shadows to your background to create depth
45 Quickly create art work by reusing assets
46 Creating your body of water part 1
47 Creating your body of water part 2
48 Creating your body of water part 3
49 Creating your body of water part 4 & underwater island
50 Creating water particles and light reflections
51 Quick technique to add light rays to your water
52 Finishing your Backgorund!

04 Where and how to find jobs creating digital art

53 Creating a profile on Freelancer
54 Travel the world while you work!
55 Writing a killer proposal to your employer

05 Extras

56 How to use your 50 Assets

06 How to design scrolling and parallax backgrounds

57 Sketching your background layout
58 Painting the sky and mountains
59 Building an Aztec pyramid!
60 Painting 3 different trees
61 Painting Jungle foliage
62 Placing your jungle foliage in your background
63 Creating a seamless scrolling background
64 Painting a floating tree trunk obstacle
65 Building your floating rock platforms
66 Creating the ground platform
67 Painting an Aztec statue head
68 Painting a giant jungle tree!
69 Adding light rays to your jungle
70 Exporting your layers as PNG Files

[Udemy] Learn Professional 2D Game Graphic Design In Photoshop by Jaysen Batchelor_Subtitles.7z

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