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Fundamentals of Digital Illustration by Guilherme Gusmão de Freitas & Laylton Sousa (Fundamentos da Ilustracao Digital – PT-BR, Eng sub)


Release date:2021, November

Duration:08 h 46 m

Author:Guilherme Gusmão de Freitas

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

What you’ll learn

  • Know the procedures to unwrap illustrated images for various purposes (Cards, Book Layers, etc..)
  • Think analytically when planning a new art
  • Understand the fundamentals of composition and narrative
  • Mastering or using perspective to unlock any camera angle
  • Know ways to practice and develop painting and drawing skills


It is necessary to know a little about the process of drawing and digital painting (example: the content of the course Introduction to Digital Painting)
Regardless of your level, these concepts will be fundamental to your artistic evolution
It is not enough to attend, it is necessary to practice to fix and internalize the use of these fundamentals


If you have already started your journey in the world of digital painting, it’s time to take the next step! With this content, you will learn the fundamentals and strategies that will transform your creative vision into dynamic illustrations full of narrative and meaning!

These fundamentals are valuable for artists of all levels, from beginners or those who already have plenty of experience with drawing study. So, regardless of the stage of your artistic journey, these concepts will always be useful for your illustrated projects.

Understand how to plan a complex image, seek references and sketch your ideas with direction and purpose, without getting sidetracked.

Refine your understanding of perspective to be able to manipulate the camera and draw your characters and environments from any angle.

Properly decide the position and framing of your scene elements to create rhythm and fluidity in your image’s reading with composition tools.

Review the fundamentals of digital painting and give a general polish to the way you paint digitally to achieve a professional render!

And to finish, follow the creation process of two complete illustrations and see how we apply all of this in a real example.

Start refining your knowledge now and practicing in a different way with this scripted and edited content that condenses our latest years of study and professional practice.

We are waiting for you in the first lesson!

Who this course is for:

  • Digital artists who want to elevate their work to conquer new spaces in the illustration market for games
  • Artists who want to learn techniques of creation and composition for illustrations
  • Beginners who feel that there is something missing when creating their images
  • Some two previous courses of the Brush Rush channel, or of introduction to Painting and Drawing
Watch online or Download for Free
01. Pensando a Ilustração

01. Briefing
02. Pesquisa de Referências

02. Perspectiva

01. Perspectiva Linear Desmistificando as Regras
02. Consequências da Verticalidade
03. Dois Pontos de Fuga
04. Três Pontos de Fuga
05. Ferramentas do Photoshop para Perspectiva
06. Demonstração Criando um conceito de ambiente
07. Demonstração Criando uma cena na Cabine do Caçador
08. Proposta de Estudo Desenhando por cima, seguindo as regras de perspectiva
09. Proposta de Estudo Como analisar imagens de outros artistas
10. Demonstração Usando perspectiva para desenhar poses de personagens

03. Composição

01. Ferramentas de Contraste
02. Ferramentas de Significado
03. Planos e ângulos de Enquadramento
04. Demonstração Criando Thumbnails
05. Demonstração Thumbnails Dragão Azul
06. Demonstração Thumbnails Laysan
07. Demonstração Mais três thumbnails em tempo real

04. Valores, Cores e Render

01. Valores e Contrastes
02. Cores e Mood
03. Render
04. Demonstração Composição e Valores em cenários rápidos
05. Demonstração Crânios – Pintura Direta
06. Demonstração Lima e Modos de Camada
07. Demonstração Estudo de Observação com Fantoche
08. Demonstração Colorindo Grayscale

05. Demonstrações Finais

01. Briefings e Referências
02. Explorações de Thumbnail
03. Grayscale
04. Cores e Finalização

[Udemy] Fundamentals of Digital Illustration (Fundamentos da Ilustracao Digital – PT-BR, Eng sub).7z
[Udemy] Fundamentals of Digital Illustration (Fundamentos da Ilustracao Digital – PT-BR, Eng sub)_Subtitles.7z

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  1. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! please include Introduction to Digital Painting by the same artist. I would be happy.

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