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Create a Complete 2D Survivors Style Game in Godot 4 by Firebelley Games


Release date:2023, March

Author:Firebelley Games

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

This course offers comprehensive guidance on creating a small 2D arena survival roguelike game using the Godot Engine 4. It covers various aspects of creating a survivor-style game, including auto-attacking abilities, increasing hordes of enemies, roguelike ability, player upgrades, permanent progression with saving and loading, and experience collection from enemies. The course outline provides an overview of the topics covered.

The primary objective of this course is to provide a step-by-step guide for creating a small, complete game using the Godot engine. It aims to expose students to various aspects of the engine, such as input handling, tilemaps, saving and loading data, audio, and more. Upon completion of the course, students should feel confident in working on their projects in Godot 4, with a solid foundational understanding of making functional and enjoyable games.

This course is ideal for individuals with game development or programming knowledge who want to learn Godot 4 or make games, especially if they struggle to complete projects or want to improve their ability to craft a fun but short experience. It is essential to note that this course does not explain fundamental programming concepts, and some familiarity with programming is strongly recommended. GDScript is easy to use.

Students can preview several lessons for free to determine if the course’s pace is right for them before enrolling.

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01. Godot Download, Orientation, and Setup
02. Creating the Player
03. Player Movement
04. Creating a TileMap
05. Game Camera
06. Checkpoint
07. Creating a Rat Enemy
08. Creating the First Sword Ability
09. Introduction to AnimationPlayer
10. Targeting Enemies With Sword Ability
11. Destroying Enemies
12. Project Settings Tweaks
13. Spawning Enemies Automatically
14. Improving the Game Feel
15. Creating the Game Loop Foundation
16. Experience Drops
17. Experience Tracking
18. Creating a Health Component
19. Implementing Damage
20. Creating an Experience Bar
21. Using Custom Resources for Upgrades
22. Upgrade UI Groundwork
23. Enabling Upgrade Selection
24. Making the Upgrade Functional
25. Improving the Scene Tree Structure
26. Adding Player Health
27. Player Health Bar
28. Creating the Victory Screen
29. Creating the Defeat Screen
30. Increase Difficulty Over Time
31. Improving the TileMap
32. Preventing Invalid Spawning
33. Creating an Axe Ability
34. Enabling Acquisition of Axe Ability
35. Prevent Abilities from Being Chosen Twice
36. Animating the Player
37. Animating the Enemy
38. Animating Enemy Death
39. Adding a Wizard Enemy
40. Using a Weighted Table for Enemy Spawning
41. Animating the Wizard
42. Animating the Experience Vial Pickups
43. Adding a Custom Font
44. Adding Floating Damage Text
45. Implementing a Flash on Enemy Hit
46. Adding Ability Damage Upgrades
47. Introduction to UI Theming
48. Finalizing Upgrade Card Theme
49. Animating the Upgrade Card
50. Improving the Upgrade Selection Screen
51. Applying a Style to the Experience Bar
52. Animating Victory and Defeat Screens
53. Applying Styles to the Buttons
54. Creating a Player Move Speed Upgrade
55. Adding a Vignette
56. Adding SFX – Part 1
57. Adding SFX – Part 2
58. Adding SFX to UI Elements – Part 1
59. Adding SFX to UI Elements – Part 2
60. Adding Victory and Defeat Jingles
61. Adding Music
62. Creating a Main Menu
63. Creating an Options Menu
64. Styling the Options Menu Sliders
65. Creating a Pause Menu
66. Adding a Scene Transition Effect
67. Creating a Meta Progression System
68. Saving and Loading Meta Progression Data
69. Creating the Meta Upgrade Card
70. Allowing Player to Purchase Meta Upgrades
71. Improving the Meta Upgrade Card
72. Adding a ScrollContainer to the Meta Upgrade Screen
73. Exporting the Game for Publishing
74. Fixing an Enemy Spawning Bug
75. Conclusion
76. Adding Another Enemy Type
77. Creating an Anvil Ability
78. Adding a Health Regeneration Meta Upgrade
[Udemy] Create a Complete 2D Survivors Style Game in Godot 4 by Firebelley Games_Subtitles.7z

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