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Complete game animators pipeline from Blender to engine by Hamish Calthorpe


Release date:2023, May

Duration:23 h 59 m

Author:Hamish Calthorpe

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

The aim of this course is to guide students and beginners in mastering the complete game animators pipeline from Blender to Unreal. The course covers the creation of a custom animation rig, manual animation of idle, transition, and movement animations, as well as proper exporting and importing into the Unreal engine.

Additionally, the course teaches how to set up an animation graph and character blueprint, and create a personalized character controller capable of performing actions such as walking, running, crouching, and jumping. The step-by-step process is presented in an easily understandable manner, with each section building on the previous one, and is filled with helpful tips and tricks for creating animation sets that work seamlessly in modern AAA games.

No coding experience is necessary since the blueprint system in Unreal is used to create everything via nodes. Simply follow the instructions and gradually build the character controller to end up with a fully functional character that can navigate the game world, resulting in a satisfying experience and the knowledge that the entire project was built from the ground up.

Let’s get started!

This course will teach you the following:

  • The full game character animation pipeline from Blender to Unreal, allowing you to create complete game-ready animation sets for in-game characters.
  • How to create a professional game-ready animation rig from scratch, providing you with the necessary skills to develop customized rigs for your characters.
  • Techniques for improving walk cycles and creating compelling movement using animation layers, providing you with tips and tricks to enhance the quality of your animations.
  • How to set up animation graphs, blend states, and other important elements in Unreal Engine 5, allowing you to create immersive character animations and integrate them seamlessly into your game.
  • How to create a game-ready character capable of performing actions such as walking, running, jumping, strafing, and more, giving you the ability to develop fully playable characters for your game.
  • The correct way to set up a character rig, and the proper export and import settings from Blender to Unreal Engine, ensuring that your animations are properly integrated into your game.
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01. Introduction

01. Introduction

02. Download and install Blender

01. Download and install Blender

03. Setting up the animation rig

01. Importance of scale
02. Download the course resources
03. Setting up the animation rig
04. Setting up the foot control bones and leg IK
05. Setting up the hip, spine and head control bones
06. Setting up Custom Bone shapes
07. Creating finger drivers using animation actions

04. Adding the character mesh to the armature rig

01. Quick basics of weight painting
02. Part 1 Adding the character mesh to the Armature
03. Part 2 Adding the character mesh to the Armature
04. Part 3 Adding the character mesh to the Armature
05. Part 4 Adding the character mesh to the Armature

05. Creating the main idle animations

01. Section introduction
02. Animating the main stand idle animation
03. Animating the main crouched idle animation

06. Animating the walk cycles

01. Section introduction
02. Animating with motion extraction in mind
03. Creating the forward walk cycle part 1
04. Creating the forward walk cycle part 2
05. Creating the left walk forward cycle
06. Creating the right walk forward cycle
07. Creating the backwards walk cycles
08. Creating the 45 degree walk cycles Part 1
09. Creating the 45 degree walk cycles part 2

07. Exporting The Armature and animations

01. Setting up the idles ready for export
02. Exporting the main skeleton
03. Exporting all our animations so far

08. Animating the Run cycles

01. Section introduction
02. Creating the forward run cycle part 1
03. Creating the forward run cycle part 2
04. Creating the left forward run cycle
05. Creating the right forward run cycle
06. Creating the 45 degree forward right run cycle
07. Creating the 45 degree forward left run cycle
08. Creating the run back cycle
09. Creating the run back left cycle
10. Creating the run back right cycle
11. Creating the run back right 45 cycle
12. Student challenge Creating the run back left 45 cycle

09. Student challenge Exporting the run animation cycles

01. Student challenge Exporting the run animations

10. Animating the crouched walk cycles

01. Section introduction
02. Creating the forward crouched walk cycle
03. Creating the left forward crouched walk cycle
04. Creating the right forward crouched walk cycle
05. Creating the crouch left forward 45 cycle
06. Creating the crouch right forward 45 cycle
07. Creating the backwards crouched walk cycle
08. Creating the crouch right back cycle
09. Creating the crouch left back cycle
10. Creating the left and right back 45 crouched walk cycles

11. Student challenge Export the crouch animations

01. Student challenge Export the crouch animations

12. Creating pose assets

01. Creating pose assets and using the Blender asset browser

13. Creating the idle transition animations

01. Creating the transition animation from stand to crouched
02. Creating the transition animation from crouched to stand

14. Creating the soft stop from Run transitions

01. Creating the run fwd to stand soft stop
02. Creating the run left fwd to stand soft stop
03. Creating the run right fwd to stand soft stop
04. Creating the run fwd 45s to stand soft stop
05. Creating the run back to stand soft stop
06. Creating the run back 45s to stand soft stop

15. Creating the soft stop from crouch transitions

01. Creating the crouch fwd to crouch soft stop
02. Creating the crouch back to crouch soft stop
03. Creating the crouch left fwd to crouch soft stop
04. Creating the crouch right fwd to crouch soft stop
05. Creating the crouch fwd 45s to crouch soft stop
06. Creating the crouch back 45s to crouch soft stop

16. Creating the soft stop from walk transitions

01. Creating the walk fwd to stand transition
02. Creating the walk left and right fwd to stand transition
03. Creating the walk back to stand transition
04. Creating the walk back 45s to stand transition
05. Creating the walk fwd 45s to stand transition

17. Student challange Export All the transition animations

01. Student challenge Export all the transition animations for the main character

18. Creating the turn on spot animations

01. Section introduction
02. Creating the stand turn left 90 animation
03. Creating the stand turn right 90 animation
04. Creating the Crouch turn left 90 animation
05. Creating the crouch turn right 90 animation

19. Creating the look around blends

01. Section introduction
02. Creating the stand look around blends
03. Creating the crouch look around blends

20. Creating the jumping and landing animations

01. Section introduction
02. Creating the jump and land animations

21. Creating our playable character in Unreal

01. Section introduction and resources
02. Download and install Unreal engine 5
03. Import the character rig
04. Import the animation sets
05. Create the movement blend spaces
06. Create the soft stop animation blends
07. Create the look around blends
08. Create the animation blueprint
09. Create the character blueprint
10. Create the variables for the character blueprint
11. Create the variables for the animation blueprint
12. Set up the control input mappings
13. Set up the character BP Part 1
14. Set up the character BP Part 2
15. Set up the animation BP Part 1
16. Set up the animation BP Part 2
17. Set up the animation BP Part 3
18. Adding the animations to the animation graph part 1
19. Adding the animations to the animation graph part 2
20. Adding the animations to the animation graph part 3
21. Wrapping up and final thoughts

[Udemy] Complete game animators pipeline from Blender to engine by Hamish Calthorpe.7z.rar
[Udemy] Complete game animators pipeline from Blender to engine by Hamish Calthorpe_Subtitles.7z

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