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Arm and hand anatomy exercises course by Nikolay Naydenov


Release date:2024, March

Duration:07 h 46 m

Author:Nikolay Naydenov

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

So, you’re eager to create beautiful prismatic aliens, but it seems this course isn’t quite what you’re looking for. Instead, we’ll be focusing on something equally fascinating: arms and hands.

Hi there, I’m Niko, a 3D character artist and teacher with over 20,000 students enrolled in my video courses and thousands of subscribers on my two YouTube channels. With over 15 years of experience in the gaming industry, specializing in 3D character creation, I’m excited to share my knowledge with you.

In this course, we’ll start by exploring the fundamental shapes of the arm and hand, then gradually sculpting muscle groups onto the arm bones, creating a detailed representation of the entire arm.

We’ll also embark on a fun experiment by sculpting an arm made from a chain, adding an interesting twist to our learning process.

Throughout the course, we’ll tackle various exercises, including sculpting an arm based on Bridgeman anatomy, creating realistic arms, understanding the main shapes by sculpting arms with planes, crafting a massive Hulk arm to master bulky muscles, and even sculpting a delicate female arm. We’ll also delve into specific poses, like a clenched fist and a folded arm with different palm positions.

As a bonus, we’ll discuss the anatomical connections between the arm and the body, providing a comprehensive understanding of arm structure and function.

Whether you’re using pen and paper, Blender, Photoshop, ZBrush, or any other drawing or sculpting program, this course is designed to elevate your skills in sculpting and drawing arms and hands. I personally chose Blender for this course due to its accessibility and impressive capabilities.

So, let’s dive into the fascinating world of arms and embark on an exciting journey of artistic exploration together!

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  1. Why is it mainly only Blender tutorials you’re uploading now?

    I’m tempted to let the original artists know what you’re doing.

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