Aprende a diseñar, animar y presentar un proyecto de branding Además de la tipografía y la paleta cromática, la identidad de una marca también se puede reflejar…
Tag: Domestika
Learn how to find what’s truly essential in identity design using geometric shapes, critical thinking, and an efficient workflow Visual identity systems are more than logos and…
Convert your passion into a professionally edited magazine Editorial design is probably the specialty with the most graphic design content. Layout and compose a publication oblige you…
Find your illustration style and show it to the world through social media The illustrator Ely Ely has defined her style based on the female figure, the…
Learn how to create a colourful detailed map to express the energy of a city Have you ever wished you could relive your favorite holiday? It’s a…
Transform your client’s briefs into a digital comic strip by learning how to illustrate original cartoons Who said comics are only about superheroes? Transform your client’s briefs…
Learn how to write effective copy to attract and engage your brand’s audience Are you ready to delight your social media audience with exceptional copy? Paul Anglin,…
Learn to shape a 3D character with Blender There are video games that tell stories of a Hollywood movie. The level of detail that can be given…
Aprende la ciencia que hay detrás del color. Crea diseños digitales atractivos y consistentes para mejorar la comunicación El color juega un papel crucial en el proceso…
Iníciate en el diseño de identidades de marca memorables con un proceso creativo único y sencillo No hay una única forma de enfrentarse al diseño o rediseño…
Discover the magic of color composition in photography by learning harmony rules and color psychology to create images that evoke emotion “When someone looks at a photograph…
Think outside the box and bring your characters to life with Qubicle, Maya or Blender, and Unity Step into the Voxel art universe, to create your own…