Gabriel Picolo is a Brazilian illustrator and comic book artist known for his extensive work with DC Comics. He takes a lot of inspiration from Studio Ghibli,…
Tag: character
毕业于中国海洋大学,电子信息工程专业,08年进入CG行业,参与制作各类型影视、多款游戏项目。从业10年中,曾担任3D角色主管、项目总监等职位。 参与项目:金陵《红楼梦》CG宣传片、自博馆CG宣传片、恐博馆CG宣传片、《不义联盟2》、《无限幻想》、 《古剑奇谭web》、《仙侠世界2》 、《兰陵王入阵曲》、《Saint Gobain》、《上古卷轴OL》、《少年三国志2》、《战国布武》、《天龙八部》、《英雄联盟》等。
Jazza has already taught you how to illustrate incredible characters—but how do you even develop the ideas you want to draw? In this hour-long class, the illustrator…
What Will I Learn? How to use CSP and its elements The principles of drawing in CSP The principles of graphic design in CSP The principles of…
In this new course Emmy award winning visual development artist and character designer David Colman ( Disney, Blue Sky, Amazon) demonstrates his approach to animal character design.…
Create Cute with a Touch of Dark Anime Illustrations In this class, I’ll be explaining how I work as a Digital Illustrator, including creating comics and illustrations…
人物与服装概念 DAZ,MD,C4D结合案例教程,MG动画自习室 新品
About This Class Want to grow your personal brand or company brand? You should try building some 3D memes! In this lesson, students will learn how to…
What Will I Learn? How to download, install, and setup a project in Unreal Engine 4 How to create menus using Unreal Engine widget blueprints How to…
This tutorial aims to teach you how to make your personal design based on what you already have. We mainly use DAZ basic model and UV maps…
What Will I Learn? C++, the games industry standard language. How to use the Unreal Engine 4 Editor. Unreal Blueprint for designer friendly programming. Git as a…
In this class you will learn my process for drawing, inking, and painting a cartoon style robot character. I absolutely love creating with the iPad Pro using…