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Cityscapes Made Easy: How to Digitally Illustrate Your Favorite City in Procreate


Release date:2023

Duration:00 h 29 m

Author:Nick Fairbanks

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

If you’ve ever wanted to create captivating cityscape illustrations but needed to know where to start, this class is perfect! With my simple and approachable method, you can start immediately on any digital drawing device. Whether you have an Apple Pencil and Procreate or another drawing application, you can follow along and unleash your creativity.

In this beginner-level class, we’ll dive into cityscape illustration without needing advanced perspective drawing skills. We’ll use Google Earth to find compelling compositions that you can easily trace, making the process accessible to a broad range of people.

Key highlights of this class include:

  • Cityscape Sketching: Discover how to endlessly sketch captivating cityscape compositions using the Procreate app and simple drawing tools.
  • Finding Color Palettes: Learn how to find and create color palettes that bring life and vibrancy to your cityscape illustrations.
  • Thumbnail Creation: Explore the art of creating thumbnails to plan and visualize your cityscape designs before diving into the final illustration.
  • Efficient Shortcuts: Uncover valuable shortcuts that make the drawing process smoother and more enjoyable.

Who is this class for?

This class is designed for beginners who want to try cityscape illustration. You don’t need any prior knowledge of perspective drawing, and you can follow along in any digital drawing application you are comfortable with.

Why is this a helpful class?

Beyond just learning to draw cityscapes, this course is based on essential composition, color, and lighting principles in digital art. These skills will be highly applicable as you continue growing your artistic abilities, regardless of whether you continue drawing in this style. Moreover, you can build on this illustration and explore animating your cityscape in my next class.


You’ll need a digital drawing application like Procreate, and I’ll provide a .abr file containing two essential brushes you can download and import. Also, I’ll share all the reference images I use to create the cityscape so you have everything you need to get started.

So if you’re ready to embark on an artistic journey and create mesmerizing cityscape illustrations, enroll in “Drawing Cityscapes with Procreate” now and let your creativity shine!

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