Maya Modeling Roughing Polygon Workflows
Release date:2018
Duration:01 h 30 m
Author:Andrew Silke
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
This class, ‘Roughing Polygon Workflows’ takes us through two modeling workflows… ‘Box Modeling’ and ‘Primitive Modeling’.
We’ll make a case for avoiding ‘Box Modeling’ which usually produces lumpy models with students. Once we’re more experienced we can make more of this technique but students don’t get good results this way. Learning box modeling early generally encourages bad habits.
A better way to practice is with the “Primitive Modeling” technique. This is the art of starting with primitive objects, intersecting them together without worrying about topology joins. Cleaner forms are the result and we’re able to block faster and make changes easily.
The disadvantage of primitive modeling is we’ll have to join the objects later and this can be intimidating. But not to worry, in later lessons we’ll be covering the joining of polygon objects and it’s easier than most would believe. This style of modeling is clean, fast and produces superior results. Lets explore both these methods in detail with this class.