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Illustrate with Confidence and you will Triumph (Spanish, Multisub)


Release date:2022

Author: Conspiracystudio

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Not Provided

Create a powerful illustration for a bored customer
Join the fight against bored customers! It’s good to be bland. In this course the ConspiracyStudio team teaches you its tricks to turn a boring ad into a job you want to add to your portfolio. Pim-pam, a bit of Illustrator, Wacom’s release on indoor track, and very easily and without realizing you will be able to create very powerful illustrations. Do not say later that we did not warn you.

What will you learn in this online course?
Concentrated profession Tricks and shortcuts of those who do not learn but doing. Four didactic units that are like doric columns (or doritos) where they will tell you everything: references, influences and all the necessary steps to make illustrations with a different technique and something more risky. You will learn to give a new air to the illustrations of that “boring” client you love so much.

Who is this online course for?
To you and any enlightened, those people who already illustrate or are beginning to illustrate and want to take a leap and appear elsewhere. This course is like a time machine: it gives you new techniques, you learn a few tricks, you put a Nirvana disc, and you get powerful results. Try and see.

Requirements and materials
Basic knowledge of Illustrator and Photoshop, if you have a Wacom better than better, and if not then nothing happens. It’s better to be than to have.

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