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Introduction to Artistic Figure Drawing (Introducción al dibujo artístico de la figura humana – Spanish, Eng sub)


Release date:2023, February

Duration:03 h 47 m

Author: Leonardo Gauna

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

It sounds like this course will be a great opportunity for anyone interested in developing their skills in drawing the human figure. The focus on analyzing and studying the figure from a live model, as well as combining it with other compositional elements, will give students a well-rounded understanding of how to create a complete and artistic drawing.

Leonardo Gauna’s experience and expertise as an artist and illustrator will undoubtedly provide valuable insights and techniques for students to apply to their own work. By the end of the course, students will have gained a deeper understanding of how to represent the human figure and develop their own unique style.

What will you learn in this online course?

It sounds like a comprehensive course that covers a lot of ground! Learning about the history of representation of the human figure and the anatomical references used by great masters of art is a great foundation for any artist. Understanding the bone and muscle structures is also important for creating realistic and dynamic poses. And it’s great that the course includes practical exercises and working with a live model to develop confidence and speed in drawing. Adding scenic elements and giving the figure a poetic and symbolic character can add depth and meaning to the final composition. Overall, it seems like a great opportunity for artists to develop their skills and style in drawing the human figure.

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