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Information Design for Editorial Infographics (Italian, Eng sub)


Release date:2023

Duration:07 h 01 m

Author:Manuel Bortoletti

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Learn to transform any topic, from tech to the environment, into a visual story by designing a clear and engaging infographic with Illustrator and InDesign.
Delicate environmental and social situations, historical events, perplexing technological concepts, and intricate anatomical structures…how can you distill complex information on these and other topics to make them accessible for a broader audience? The answer is information design, and more specifically, infographics, which combine data, images, and text to paint a clear picture for readers.

In this online course, learn to create engaging infographics alongside information designer Manuel Bortoletti. With years of experience in the print and publishing industry, Manuel has collaborated on projects for major newspapers and magazines like La Repubblica, The New York Times T Brand Studio, and The Economist. He teaches you how to unpack a complex topic of your choice and transform it into an easy-to-understand visual story.

What will you learn in this online course?
29 lessons & 30 downloads

What is this course’s project?
Design an infographic about a topic related to science, technology, or the environment using multiple forms of information visualization to provide a clear explanation with a balanced design.

Who is this online course for?
Anyone who wants to learn how to break down complex information and use a variety of visualization techniques to rebuild it as an easy-to-understand visual story.

Requirements and materials
Basic notions of graphic design and a working knowledge of Illustrator and InDesign are necessary for this course. For materials, all you need is a computer with both programs.

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