Hand-Drawn Digital Animation – Bring Illustrations to Life by Yukai Du
Release date:2023
Duration:06 h 08 m
Author:Yukai Du
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Transform your unique drawings into playful motion graphics with Photoshop, After Effects, and Animate.
Through illustration and animation, you have the power to translate complex topics into playful visual languages. Yukai Du specializes in creating digital images and animations that look hand-crafted. She helps brands visualize the message they want to communicate with their audience and has worked with clients including Adobe, Spotify, WeTransfer, and MTV.
In this course, Yukai teaches you how to combine the art of illustration with 2D animation to create striking digital artwork of your own. Are you ready to bring your illustrations to life and start animating your ideas?
What is this course’s project?
Create a 2D animation featuring a character of your choice using Photoshop, After Effects, and Animate.
Who is this online course for?
This course is for anyone interested in illustration and animation or wanting to learn more about Photoshop, After Effects, and Animate.
Requirements and materials
Previous experience with Photoshop is required.
You will need a computer with Photoshop, After Effects, and Animate.