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Digital Color Starting Kit


Release date:2016, December

Duration:06 h 05 m


Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

I apologize for the repetition in my previous responses. Here’s an alternative response:

I completely understand how the leap to digital color can be daunting for many artists. The Color Starter Kit aims to alleviate this intimidation by simplifying the process through the tried-and-true strategy of observational painting. Rather than diving straight into color theory and color schemes, the focus is on honing the ability to accurately depict what we see.

While the goal may be to create fantastic imaginary scenes, I wholeheartedly agree that starting with still life painting is an excellent approach. Still life subjects provide a controlled and manageable environment with a diverse range of objects, textures, and lighting conditions. This allows artists to practice and develop their skills in a structured manner.

The Color Starter Kit includes instructional videos that combine classic artistic principles with digital techniques. These videos cover a wide array of topics and offer a wealth of drills and lessons for artists to practice. By following along with the videos, artists can gradually enhance their understanding and application of color in a digital medium.

In addition to the instructional videos, the Color Starter Kit provides a collection of high-quality still life reference photos. These reference photos serve as valuable resources for artists to study and paint from, assisting in the development of their observational skills. Furthermore, the kit includes .PSD files and worksheets, allowing artists to explore and experiment with color in a digital format.

By placing emphasis on observational painting and offering a comprehensive set of resources and exercises, the Color Starter Kit aims to demystify the realm of digital color. It equips artists with the tools and techniques necessary to confidently create captivating artwork, whether it’s in still life or imaginary scenes.

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