Stylized Character Program
Release date:2020
Author:Marlon N. Nunez
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Create complex stylized characters
You’ll prove that you can create amazing pieces by making one from scratch
Work with anatomy and hard surface
You’ll develop a diverse skill set that is applicable in a variety of projects
Add a professional piece to your portfolio
Create this piece in under 2 months and let it open you to more opportunities
Improve your workflow and learn tools
Get better at using Zbrush, learn tricks to optimize your workflow and implement it all right away
Work better under time constraints
It’s a high-pace and high-energy learning environment, very similar to real-life projects!
Get useful connections within the industry
Meet other students and your mentor, ask questions, collaborate and build life-long connections
Hey guys! thanks so much for the amazing courses!!! can you please upload the Appeal Academy by Follygon?
Stylized Character Program.7z.002
What is the password i cannot open the file
Hi can you add this course
Hello! could they re-upload the course? no video works anymore
Videos have been reuploaded, please try again.
thanks for upload
could you please reupload the exercise files…it showing corrupted
this two
[Art Heroes] Stylized Character Program.7z.001
[Art Heroes] Stylized Character Program.7z.002
And could you please remove the .001 or .002 from the sometimes create the issues.
what is the format of archive [Art Heroes] Stylized Character Program.7z.001?
i’m not can open T.T
Hi, I’ve tried to make the payment for 1 month but I receive an error from PayPal, saying that you can’t accept payments right now =(.
[Art Heroes] Stylized Character Program.7z.001
[Art Heroes] Stylized Character Program.7z.002
are corrupted
could they re-upload ?
Does it work now?
Not working for me. I hope they reupload it soon.
please where is this course? Hyper Realistic Insect Design by Eric Keller
It was here yesterday
[Art Heroes] Stylized Character Program.7z.001
[Art Heroes] Stylized Character Program.7z.002
are corrupted
Hey, can you please upload the LIKENESS & FACIAL ANATOMY ? You guys are amazing !
For anyone saying the zip files are corrupted or whatever. Do not delete the number at the end of the file name, and do not extract individually. Highlight both of them > right click > 7-zip > extract here. They can only be extracted together as they are part files, trying to extract individually will give an error.