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Introduction to 3D Modeling in Blender by Cisco Raya (Introduccion al Modelado 3D con Blender por Cisco Raya – Spanish, Eng sub)


Release date:2023, January 2

Duration:23 h 59 m

Author:Cisco Raya

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

In this course, you will learn all the tools provided by Blender from scratch, getting to know the techniques of modeling, material creation, lighting, and rendering, through 3 scenarios, each of which serves a learning purpose with progressive difficulty.

First, you will familiarize yourself with the working environment, getting to know the Blender interface, menus, and tools. You will create your first 3D objects and start experimenting with them, in order to learn initial modeling techniques.

Next, you will delve into all the tools by creating our first Low Poly-themed 3D scenario. You will learn the work process, we will see tips and modifiers, with easy-to-create models that can be replicated from basic geometric figures.

You will create the lighting and color of the scene and a set of renders in the Evee render engine. You will learn how to save your renders and export them to present your 3D work later on.

Once you have solidified the basics of modeling, you will create a second 3D scenario, where you will understand the ways of smoothing in 3D in a simple way, raising our level of modeling. You will learn a new photo-realistic lighting system, give color to your 3D objects, and learn how to render using the Cycles render engine.

In the last 3D scenario, you will learn UV mapping, the unfolding of 3D models, and how to apply textures to them. You will create the framing with the camera, making necessary lighting adjustments.

Then, you will set up and generate the rendering. Finally, you will do post-production that enhances your image and gives it greater prominence.

Finally, you will create your free online portfolio, where you can showcase your work on a famous digital platform specialized in the video game and 3D animation sector.

The course consists of 15 sections and more than 33 hours.

The duration of each video is approximately 10 minutes, in order to maintain attention, so that they can be studied in short intervals and are recorded at normal speed.

The ultimate goal of the course is for you to acquire solid 3D modeling foundations and be able to tackle new projects with confidence.

This course is for anyone who wants to get started in the 3D world, no experience is necessary. It’s also for novice artists who have started working with Blender and want to reinforce their knowledge, as well as senior artists who want to make the transition to Blender and learn its workflow, tools, and interface.

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01 – Presentacion del curso

01 – Acerca del instructor
02 – Contenido del curso
03 – Instalar Blender
04 – Recursos descargables Parte 1
05 – Recursos descargables Parte 2

02 – Introduccion a Blender

006 – Elementos de la interfaz
007 – Navegacion 003D
008 – Visores
009 – Vistas
010 – Transformar Mover rotar y escalar
011 – Unidades del sistema
012 – Creacion de primitivas
013 – Herramientas de seleccion
014 – 003D Cursor
015 – Origin
016 – Transform orientation y pivot point
017 – Snapping
018 – Types visibility Viewport gizmos y overlays
019 – Viewport shading
020 – Outliner Scene collection
021 – Personalizar interfaz
022 – Favoritos y atajos de teclado
023 – Guardar y abrir fichero
024 – Deshacer y Rehacer

03 – Introduccion al modelado

025 – Edit Mode
026 – Vertices aristas y poligonos
027 – Edicion multiples objetos
028 – Duplicar objetos
029 – Backface seleccion
030 – Join Unir objetos
031 – Extrusion
032 – Inset
033 – Extrusion por normales
034 – Face Orientation
035 – Bevel Aplly all Transforms
036 – Loop Cut
037 – Knife
038 – Poly Build
039 – Spin
040 – Smooth y Edge Slice
041 – ShrinkFatten
042 – Shear
043 – Rig y Merge
044 – Bridge
045 – Backface Culling
046 – Métodos de seleccion
047 – Separar y unir elementos
048 – Hide y Unhide
049 – Shade Smooth

04 – Modelado mesa y sillas

050 – Mesa
051 – Silla
052 – Duplicar Silla Mirror
053 – Duplicar y rotar sillas
054 – Platos
055 – Vasos y Donuts
056 – Botella Metodo 001
057 – Botella Metodo 002

05 – Modelado coche Diorama nocturno

058 – Carroceria
059 – Faros
060 – Carroceria Mirror
061 – Parrilla de ventilacion
062 – Pasaruedas
063 – Pasaruedas Booleano
064 – Pasaruedas Solidify
065 – Ruedas
066 – Parachoques y matricula
067 – Limpiaparabrisas y retrovisores
068 – Luz techo
069 – Luces traseras Copy Modifiers
070 – Texto 003D

06 – Modelado ciudad Diorama nocturno

071 – Edificio 001 Fachada
072 – Acera y carretera
073 – Array Modificador
074 – Mirror Calle
075 – Boca de incendio Parte 001
076 – Boca de incendio Parte 002
077 – Farola
078 – Bidon y papeles
079 – Cajas y neumaticos
080 – Poste eléctrico
081 – Cables eléctricos
082 – Rediseno Blocking
083 – Edificio 002
084 – Maquina de aire Parte 001
085 – Maquina de aire Parte 002
086 – Cables Maquina de aire
087 – Tuberias de ventilacion
088 – Azotea Edificio 001
089 – Deposito de agua
090 – Maquina de aire Version 002
091 – Tuberias de ventilacion 002
092 – Escalera de emergencia
093 – Puerta principal
094 – Ladrillos fachada
095 – Escalera balcones
096 – Entrada club
097 – Letrero club
098 – Aparcamiento club
099 – Persianas
100 – Cableado eléctrico Parte 001
101 – Cableado eléctrico Parte 002
102 – Subsuelo

07 – Material Principled BSDF

103 – Viewport Shanding Material Preview
104 – HDRI Imagen alto rango dinamico
105 – Asignar material
106 – Base color
107 – Metallic
108 – Roughness
109 – Tabla Metallic Roughness
110 – Specular
111 – Motores de render
112 – Transmission
113 – Transmission Roughness
114 – Transmission IOR
115 – Alpha
116 – Emission y Bloom
117 – Anisotropic
118 – Sheen
119 – Clearcoat
120 – Subsurface
121 – Normal
122 – Tabla resumen de propiedades

08 – Iluminacion Luces

123 – Tipos de luces
124 – Point light
125 – Spot light
126 – Rectangle light
127 – World Properties
128 – Sun light

09 – Materiales y luces Diorama nocturno

129 – Edificios Color y emisivos ventanas
130 – Set iluminacion 3 luces
131 – Render properties
132 – Sol y sombra
133 – Iluminacion ventanas
134 – Iluminacion club
135 – Acera y postes eléctricos
136 – Decoracion calle
137 – Coche Carroceria
138 – Coche Cristales
139 – Coche Luces
140 – Azotea Edificio 1
141 – Azotea Edificio 2
142 – Letrero Hotel
143 – Letrero soporte
144 – Edificio 1 Cornisas
145 – Edificio 1 Aluminio
146 – Retoques finales
147 – Niebla Volume Scatter
148 – Camara
149 – Camara FOV y Aspect ratio
150 – Render final

10 – Subdivision

151 – Emparentado
152 – Subdivision Surface
153 – Subdividir caja
154 – Extrusion circular
155 – Vaso
156 – Cucharilla método 1
157 – Cucharilla método 2
158 – Proportional Editing
159 – Loops soporte Método manual
160 – Loops soporte Método Bevel angulo
161 – Loops soporte Método Bevel weight
162 – Loops soporte Método Crease

11 – Modelado habitacion Diorama diurno

163 – Habitacion
164 – Habitacion subdivision Parte 1
165 – Habitacion subdivision Parte 2
166 – Escritorio monitores Parte 1
167 – Escritorio monitores Parte 2
168 – Monitores
169 – Teclado y raton
170 – Tableta grafica
171 – Cableado
172 – Altavoces
173 – Notas musicales
174 – Lampara
175 – Silla Parte 1
176 – Silla Parte 2
177 – Papelera
178 – Escritorio retro
179 – TV retro Parte 1
180 – TV retro Parte 2
181 – Libros
182 – Videoconsola retro Parte 1
183 – Videoconsola retro Parte 2
184 – Mandos videoconsola
185 – Cableado mandos
186 – Bote
187 – Cajas
188 – Ventana
189 – Cortina
190 – Suelo parquet
191 – Cuadros y reloj
192 – Taburete y alfombra
193 – Zapatillas
194 – Retoques finales

12 – Materiales y luces Diorama diurno

195 – Cycles Sampling
196 – Denoise
197 – Sky Texture Nishita
198 – Configurar iluminacion escena
199 – Luces de soporte
200 – Codigos de colores
201 – Materiales Parte 1
202 – Materiales y glass Parte 2
203 – Materiales Parte 3
204 – Materiales Parte 4
205 – Materiales Parte 5
206 – Materiales Parte 6
207 – Materiales Parte 7
208 – Leds emisivos
209 – Luz volumétrica ventana
210 – Camara
211 – Render final
212 – Compositing
213 – Node Wrangler

13 – Unwrap y texturas

214 – Unwrap Teoria
215 – Desplegar caja
216 – Uv Editing Seams
217 – Uv Editing Interfaz
218 – Uv Editing Stich
219 – Unwrap cilindro
220 – Aplicar textura
221 – Webs de texturas Parte 1
222 – Desempaquetar texturas
223 – Webs de texturas Parte 2
224 – SRGB y Linear
225 – PBR Texturas Asignar a material
226 – Texturas escala de grises
227 – Textura a Normal map
228 – Displacement
229 – Node Wrangler

14 – Templo minas Diorama texturizado

230 – Barril Modelado y texturas
231 – Barril UV Editing
232 – Barril Aros metalicos
233 – Rocas Método 1
234 – Rocas Método 2
235 – Terreno
236 – Escaleras
237 – Suelo pavimentado
238 – Pilares Parte 1
239 – Pilares Parte 2
240 – Arco de entrada subterranea
241 – Agua
242 – Raices Modelado
243 – Raices Texturizado
244 – Puente de madera
245 – Escalera de madera
246 – Vegetacion
247 – Crear templo minas Parte 1
248 – Crear templo minas Parte 2
249 – Crear templo minas Parte 3
250 – Crear templo minas Parte 4
251 – Crear templo minas Parte 5
252 – Crear templo minas Parte 6
253 – Crear templo minas Parte 7
254 – Crear templo minas Parte 8
255 – Iluminacion Parte 1
256 – Iluminacion Parte 2
257 – Iluminacion Parte 3
258 – Camara
259 – Render
260 – Compositing
261 – White render
262 – Wireframe render

15 – Publicar Renders

263 – Crear portfolio digital
264 – Publicar trabajos

[Udemy] Introduccion al Modelado 3D con Blender por Cisco Raya.7z.rar
[Udemy] Introduccion al Modelado 3D con Blender por Cisco Raya_Subtitles_Spanish.7z
[Udemy] Introduction to 3D Modeling in Blender by Cisco Raya_Subtitles_ENGlish.7z

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