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Make Games without Code Master Visual Scripting in Unity!


Release date:2021, January 8

Author:Code Monkey

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Hello and Welcome!

I’m your Code Monkey and in THIS course you will learn how to make Games without writing any code!

This course features multiple games all made completely using Unity Visual Scripting and without a single line of code.

I specifically designed it to include multiple games so you can learn to use Visual Scripting and apply it to any genre you can think of.

With the knowledge you will learn from this course you will then be able to make any game you want!

About me, I’m a Professional Indie Game Developer with several successful games published on Steam covering a wide range of genres, I’ve been Programming for over 20 years and using Unity for almost 10.

Also a couple of years ago I started a YouTube channel making Free Video Tutorials to share the knowledge I have accumulated to help you learn how to make YOUR OWN games.

If you’d like to try out my learning style before purchasing the course you can watch the over 350 Videos available for Free on the YouTube channel. They are presented as clear step-by-step tutorials just like this course.

The course also includes the Complete Project Files for every single lecture.

A bit more about the games…

First we start off with a Simple Platformer in order to learn the basics of Visual Scripting.

The course is designed with a smooth learning curve in mind so you will learn how to use the Visual Scripting Tools as they are needed.

The platformer features: Physics, Platforms, Coins, Hazards, Multiple Levels, Moving Platforms, Moving Hazards and more.

The second game is the Action RPG

This one builds on the knowledge gained while making the Platformer so the design is more complex.

There’s tons of features in the final game.

Swords, Arrows, Enemies, Dungeons, Keys, Doors, Buttons, Lava, Fireballs, Hearts, Coins, Shops, and much more.

The third game is a First Person Shooter FPS

It features multiple weapons, enemies, pathfinding, coins, keys, Boss fight and a really awesome Hookshot mechanic.

All made without a single line of code!

All 3 games have tons of effects and lots of awesome features. You can see some cool Shaders, Glow, Screenshake, Post Processing, Animations, lots of UI elements, smooth Camera, Particles and so on. The final games play really great and feel very satisfying.

This course starts with a completely empty project starting completely from scratch and step-by-step we will get to the final games.

Everything is built in an understandable way so you can easily take this as a base and expand upon it with more Hazards, Enemies, Weapons, Levels and so on.

This course is presented as a thorough step-by-step guide where I will show you exactly how to do what I’m doing and why it is that I’m doing it so you can learn how to think like a game developer.

This course will cover a bunch of topics including:

How Visual Scripting works

Handle Player Movement and Physics

Visual Scripting Variables, Events, Super Units, State Machines…

Handle Enemy AI with Attack Logic and a Health System

Build up the World using a Tilemap

Learn the basics of Unity tools like Shader Graph, Post Processing, Particle System…

And much much more!

As for requirements you really just need to know the absolute basics of Unity.

If you’ve never touched Unity before then there is a lecture in the extras section which covers the basics.

If you feel confused or lost at any point in the course make sure you post your questions in the Q&A section.

I will be there to help with whatever issues you may have.

Alright so go ahead join me on the course and let’s learn how to build some awesome games together!

– Code Monkey

Watch online or Download for Free

01. Introduction
01. Welcome
02. FPS Free Update
03. Overview
04. New Project
05. Unity Layout
06. Render Pipeline
07. Bolt Setup

02. Platformer (Visual Scripting Basics)
01. Platformer Start
02. Platform Game Design
03. Visual Scripting Basics
04. Physics
05. Player Movement
06. Player Movement Speed
07. Player Jumping
08. Is Grounded
09. Super Units
10. Visual Scripting Groups
11. Animations
12. Cinemachine
13. Platform Visuals
14. Spikes
15. Death Scene Management
16. Visual Scripting Events
17. UI
18. Player Fall to Death
19. Coins
20. Level Win
21. Multiple Levels
22. Lava Particle System
23. Post Processing
24. Shader Graph
25. Sound
26. Music
27. Options Menu Volume
28. Game Win
29. Main Menu
30. Polish
31. Player Win Death Particles
32. Coin Animations
33. Face Last Move Dir
34. Trail
35. Double Jump
36. Moving Platforms
37. Moving Hazards
38. Touch Input
39. More Levels
40. Final Showcase

03. Action RPG (Visual Scripting Advanced)
01. Action RPG Welcome
02. Action RPG Overview
03. Action RPG Start
04. Action RPG Game Design
05. Player
06. Player Animator
07. Player Sword Attack
08. Cinemachine
09. Tilemap
10. Post Processing
11. Health System
12. UI
13. Sound Music Options
14. Spikes
15. Player Death Scene Management
16. Enemy
17. Visual Scripting State Machines
18. Enemy AI
19. Enemy Patrolling AI
20. Enemy Attack Player AI
21. Enemy Health System
22. Player Block
23. Coins
24. Health Pickup
25. Visual Scripting Return Events
26. Player Dash
27. Weapon Arrows
28. Enemy Arrow
29. Enemy Manager
30. Battle Spawner
31. Key Door System
32. Dungeons
33. Coin Spawner
34. Chest
35. Cannon
36. Lava
37. Fire Arrows
38. Extra Pickups
39. Shop
40. Buttons
41. Star
42. Game Win Scene
43. Main Menu
44. Polish
45. Tint Flash Damage
46. Dissolve Shader Spawn
47. Coin Key Animations
48. Destructible Pots
49. Arrow Trails
50. World Building
51. Dash Trail
52. Stop While Attacking
53. Star Glow Outline
54. Lava Emission
55. Fireballs Dont Vanish
56. Camera Shake
57. Respawn
58. Sword Slash
59. Grass Wind Shader
60. World Populate
61. Final Showcase

01. Congratulations!

01. Unity Basics
02. Tint Shader
03. Outline Shader
04. Dissolve Shader
05. Grass Wind Shader
06. Continue Your Learning Journey (Bonus Lecture)

[Udemy] Make Games without Code Master Visual Scripting in Unity!_Subtitles.7z
[Udemy] Make Games without Code Master Visual Scripting in Unity!.7z

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