by Joe Seabuhr • Intermediate • 30m
On this first installment Joe focuses on idea generation and how he goes from an idea to a flushed out Ref Board and Blockout to aid him in the rest of the course.
High Poly
by Joe Seabuhr • Intermediate • 1h 17m
On this second installment Joe gives a brief overview of some Sub-D examples and why Sub-D is an important thing to have knowledge of. He then goes on to make the TV high poly from the blockout of the last installment.
Low Poly
by Joe Seabuhr • Intermediate • 56m
This Installment focuses on making the low poly from the high poly and the thought process Joe has with this stage of the prop workflow.
UV’s and Bakes
by Joe Seabuhr • Intermediate • 1h 0m
This Fourth Installment focuses on getting respectable UV’s and Bakes. Joe Starts with showing some UV examples varying in difficulty and then gradually moves on to packing the UV’s, Organising the UV packs, Organising Bake groups and finally Baking.
by Joe Seabuhr • Intermediate • 1h 27m
This Fifth Installment focused on texturing. Joe Breaks down texturing into 4 main stages and tackles each one as it’s own separate beast in order to get a solid final product.
by Joe Seabuhr • Intermediate • 42m
For the the final installment, Joe focuses on setting up a marmoset scene with pretty lights and textures to create the best renders possible for your prop and Artstation post.
the videos aren’t playing, can you please check, I really need this
just download them) all be fine)
tried again today, can’t download or watch, is there a problem with my device and how do I fix it?
all videos fixed, please check again.
Thanks a lot!! Really like this resource, may I know how long it takes before the conversion process ends. Thanks once again.
Hey) All working great, just press – play, and enjoy!