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The 5 Day Challenge


Release date:2019, December

Author:Pablo Munoz

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Discover a concise series of 5 video tutorials, each delving into essential steps to elevate your concepts into refined illustrations using ZBrush!

Join the challenge using the form on the right. Every daily step takes just a few minutes, and by the challenge’s end, you’ll have a stunning image ready for your portfolio. How does the challenge work?
Upon signing up, you’ll receive a sequence of emails across 5 days, each containing links to video tutorials that cover individual steps of the process. You might wonder why there isn’t a website with all the challenge videos. Here’s the reason: By providing access to one tutorial per day, it encourages focused attention on each specific step. This method aids in managing your time effectively throughout the challenge, preventing you from rushing through or overdoing any particular phase.

By the end of this 5-day challenge, you’ll gain confidence to tackle more intricate projects using the same streamlined process. šŸ˜‰

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