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Unity from Zero to Proficiency (Beginner)


Release date:2018, October

Duration:05 h 54 m

Author: Patrick Felicia

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

What you’ll learn
Understand object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts when coding in C#.
Get used to and understand the concepts of variables, methods, and scope.
Understand key best practices for coding, especially in C#.
Understand conditional statements and decision making structures.
Understand the concept of loops.
Understand best coding practices.
Code your first script in Unity
Create classes, methods and variables.
Instantiate objects based on your own classes.
Use built-in methods.
Use conditional statements.
Detect collisions between the player and other objects.
Create, apply and detect labels from a script.
Collect objects upon collision.
Implement a scoring system to keep track of the number of objects collected.
Change the current level and load a new scene from the script based on the score.
Create and display a timer.
Create a function that displays messages onscreen.
Modify this function so that the message disappears after a few seconds.
Display messages when the user has collected items.
Create functions to maximize your code.
Use additional built-in functions.
Activate and deactivate objects from your script.
Create menus and make it possible for the player to navigate between them.
Create buttons.
Manage interaction with buttons.
Link different scenes using buttons.
Add background music.
Mute the music using the keyboard.
Add and configure a mini-map.
Display the items collected as part of the user interface.

To complete the project presented in this course you only need Unity 2018 (or a more recent version) and to also ensure that your computer and its operating system comply with Unity’s requirements. Unity can be downloaded from the official website and before downloading, you can check that your computer is up to scratch.
In terms of computer skills, all knowledge introduced in this course will assume no prior programming experience from you. So for now, you only need to be able to perform common computer tasks, such as downloading items, opening and saving files, be comfortable with dragging and dropping items and typing, and relatively comfortable with Unity’s interface. This being said, because the focus of this course is on scripting, and while all steps are explained step-by-step, you may need to be relatively comfortable with Unity’s interface, as well as creating and transforming objects.
So, if you would prefer to become more comfortable with Unity prior to start scripting, you can take the first course in the series called Unity From Zero to Proficiency (Foundations). This course covers most of the shortcuts and views available in Unity, as well as how to perform common tasks in Unity such as creating objects, transforming objects, importing assets, using navigation controllers, or exporting the game to the web.

In this course, you will become comfortable with coding in C# for Unity by creating a survival game that includes both an indoor and an outdoor environment.

You will learn how to code in C# and how to use some common coding concepts to add interactivity to your game including variables, conditional statements, methods, and much more.
You will create your own classes, and methods.
You will create and update a user interface for your game that includes a mini-map, buttons, menus, text, and images. You will also learn to include both background audio and sound effects for an epic atmosphere. You will also learn how to hide/display the mini-map and mute the audio when necessary.
You will implement a scoring system, and to keep track of the objects collected by the player using a simple inventory system. You will also learn how to store global information abou the game using the Player preferences..

You will then create a finished game, with realistic graphics, from start to finish with menus, audio, a splash screen, instructions, sound, two levels (one indoor and one outdoors), NPCS (Non-Player Characters) that chase the player, and a plane that the player needs to find and pilot to escape the island.

Who is the target audience?
You are a total beginner in Unity or programming.
You would like to become proficient in the core functionalities offered by Unity.
You would like to teach students or help your child to understand how to create games, using coding.
Youe would like to start creating great games.
Although you may have had some prior exposure to Unity, you would like to delve more into Unity and understand its core functionalities in more detail.

Table of Contents

Please use these Resources for the Next Sections 00:33
Please use these Resources for the Next Sections 00:33
Introduction to C# programming 01:08:26
Introduction 00:31
Statements 04:19
Comments 02:35
Variables 06:53
Constants 03:01
Arrays 08:24
Operators 02:56
Conditional Statements 04:23
Switch Statements 03:12
Loops 04:57
Classes 01:37
Defining a Class 01:40
Accessing Class Member Variables and Methods 02:34
Constructors 03:56
Destructors 00:46
Static Member Variables 01:39
Inheritance 04:44
Methods 05:04
Local, Member and Global Variables 05:00
Quiz 10 questions
Checklist 00:15
Creating your First Script 54:05
Introduction 00:21
Quick overview of the interface 01:50
Creating your First Script 04:36
Running your First Script 03:42
Using the Update Method 02:52
Understanding the Scope of Variabes 03:55
Creating a Simple Counter 02:21
Using Methods (Part 1) 02:28
Using Methods (Part 2) 04:21
Using Methods (Part 3) 05:19
Creating a New Class 08:49
Creating Constructors 05:11
Common Errors and Best Practices 07:44
Quiz 10 questions
Checklist 00:19
Challenge1 00:10
Challenge 2 00:06
Adding Interaction with C# 26:12
Introduction 00:21
Setting-up the Scene and Tags 04:19
Detecting Collisions from a Script 04:49
Detecting Tags and Destroying Objects 04:42
Creating a Scoring System 03:07
Loading a New Scene 08:07
Quiz 10 questions
Checklist 00:26
Challenge 1 00:20
Creating and Updating a User Interface with Scripting 01:22:48
Introduction 00:32
Creating a Timer (Part 1) 03:22
Creating a Timer (Part 2) 05:24
Creating a Timer (Part 3) 04:04
Creating a User Interface for the Timer (Part 1) 06:35
Creating a User Interface for the Timer (Part 2) 04:38
Collecting Boxes 07:10
Creating a User Interface for Messages 05:04
Deleting Messages after two seconds 06:52
Rotating Objects to be Collected 04:17
Collecting Petrol Cans (Part 1) 04:05
Collecting Petrol Cans (Part 2) 03:56
Collecting Petrol Cans (Part 3) 03:47
Detecting Collision with the Plane (Part 1) 03:52
Detecting Collision with the Plane (Part 2) 03:11
Deactivating the Second Plane 04:22
Activating the Hidden Plane 04:56
Tidying-up the Code (Part 1) 04:25
Tidying-up the Code (Part 2) 01:31
Checklist 00:19
Quiz 10 questions
Challenge 1 00:26
Polishing your Game 01:23:23
Introduction 00:25
Creating Menus (Part 1) 05:45
Creating Menus (Part 2) 09:51
Displaying the Score 05:45
Keeping the Score Between Scenes 07:42
Displaying Items Collected Using Icons 09:13
Adding Sound Effects (Part 1) 04:44
Adding Sound Effects (Part 2) 01:09
Adding a Background Audio (Part 1) 03:07
Adding a Background Audio (Part 2) 04:42
Keeping Background Audio Between Scenes 03:05
Keeping the Appearance of your User Interface 04:23
Creating a Mini-map (Part 1) 05:52
Creating a Mini-map (Part 2) 08:44
Creating a Mini-map (Part 3) 02:34
Creating a Mini-map (Part 4) 05:17
Checklist 00:18
Quiz 10 questions
Challenge 1 00:36
Challenge 2 00:10
Adding and Managing Simple Artificial Intelligence 14:17
Introduction 00:18
Adding an NPC (Part 1) 07:41
Adding an NPC (Part 2) 06:13
Checklist 00:05
Finishing the Game 24:46
Introduction 00:12
Initializing the Score 03:11
Ensuring that the Background Sound is Played Only Once 06:48
Creating an End Screen 05:15
Detecting When the Player Has Escaped the Island 08:57
Well Done! 00:22

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2. Introduction to C# programming
02. Statements
04. Variables
05. Constants
06. Arrays
07. Operators
08. Conditional Statements
09. Switch Statements
10. Loops
11. Classes
12. Defining a Class
13. Accessing Class Member Variables and Methods
14. Constructors
15. Destructors
16. Static Member Variables
17. Inheritance
18. Methods
19. Local, Member and Global Variables

3. Creating your First Script
02. Quick overview of the interface
03. Creating your First Script
04. Running your First Script
05. Using the Update Method
06. Understanding the Scope of Variabes
07. Creating a Simple Counter
08. Using Methods (Part 1)
09. Using Methods (Part 2)
10. Using Methods (Part 3)
11. Creating a New Class
12. Creating Constructors
13. Common Errors and Best Practices

4. Adding Interaction with C#
02. Setting-up the Scene and Tags
03. Detecting Collisions from a Script
04. Detecting Tags and Destroying Objects
05. Creating a Scoring System
06. Loading a New Scene

5. Creating and Updating a User Interface with Scripting
02. Creating a Timer (Part 1)
03. Creating a Timer (Part 2)
04. Creating a Timer (Part 3)
05. Creating a User Interface for the Timer (Part 1)
06. Creating a User Interface for the Timer (Part 2)
07. Collecting Boxes
08. Creating a User Interface for Messages
09. Deleting Messages after two seconds
10. Rotating Objects to be Collected
11. Collecting Petrol Cans (Part 1)
12. Collecting Petrol Cans (Part 2)
13. Collecting Petrol Cans (Part 3)
14. Detecting Collision with the Plane (Part 1)
15. Detecting Collision with the Plane (Part 2)
16. Deactivating the Second Plane
17. Activating the Hidden Plane
18. Tidying-up the Code (Part 1)
19. Tidying-up the Code (Part 2)

6. Polishing your Game
02. Creating Menus (Part 1)
03. Creating Menus (Part 2)
04. Displaying the Score
05. Keeping the Score Between Scenes
06. Displaying Items Collected Using Icons
07. Adding Sound Effects (Part 1)
08. Adding Sound Effects (Part 2)
09. Adding a Background Audio (Part 1)
10. Adding a Background Audio (Part 2)
11. Keeping Background Audio Between Scenes
12. Keeping the Appearance of your User Interface
13. Creating a Mini-map (Part 1)
14. Creating a Mini-map (Part 2)
15. Creating a Mini-map (Part 3)
16. Creating a Mini-map (Part 4)

7. Adding and Managing Simple Artificial Intelligence
02. Adding an NPC (Part 1)
03. Adding an NPC (Part 2)

8. Finishing the Game
02. Initializing the Score
03. Ensuring that the Background Sound is Played Only Once
04. Creating an End Screen
05. Detecting When the Player Has Escaped the Island

Unity from Zero to Proficiency (Beginner) Files.7z

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