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Unreal Engine 5 Materials – A Comprehensive Guide by Unrealverse Labs


Release date:2024, March 22

Duration:03 h 54 m

Author:Unrealverse Labs

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Enroll now in our comprehensive course on material creation in Unreal Engine, and unlock the full potential of your virtual worlds! Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your skills, this course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and techniques needed to create stunning materials efficiently and effectively.

Here’s what you can expect from this course:

  1. Foundational Concepts: Build a solid understanding of material creation fundamentals, including uv control, shader networks, and material instances. You’ll learn essential concepts that form the backbone of material creation in Unreal Engine.
  2. Efficient Workflows: Discover time-saving workflows to streamline your material creation process and boost productivity. We’ll show you how to work smarter, not harder, to achieve your material creation goals.
  3. Diverse Material Types: Explore a variety of material types, including rocks, woods, metals, emissive materials, and more. By the end of the course, you’ll have the skills to create your own PBR materials and bring your virtual worlds to life.
  4. Challenges, Exercises, and Theory: Dive into a mix of theory and challenges designed to enhance your learning experience. You’ll have the opportunity to apply your knowledge in hands-on exercises and reinforce your understanding of key concepts.
  5. Efficient Techniques: Master foundational techniques that can save you time in your projects while producing high-quality, scalable materials. Learn how to work efficiently without sacrificing quality.
  6. Expert Guidance: Benefit from the guidance of an experienced instructor with over 6 years of experience in the CGI and game industry. You’ll receive valuable insights, tips, and tricks to help you excel in material creation.
  7. Lifetime Access: Enjoy lifetime access to course materials, updates, and additional resources, allowing you to revisit and reinforce your learning at your own pace. You’ll have the flexibility to learn on your schedule and access the course whenever you need it.

Whether you’re a game developer, 3D artist, or aspiring content creator, mastering material creation in Unreal Engine is an indispensable skill that will take your projects to the next level. Enroll now and start your journey to becoming a proficient material artist in one of the industry’s leading game engines.

Watch online or Download for Free
01. Unreal Engine 101

01. Lets learn how create Material on Unreal Engine.m4a
01. Lets learn how create Material on Unreal Engine
02. Nice to Meet Unreal Engine.m4a
02. Nice to Meet Unreal Engine
03. Initial Setup.m4a
03. Initial Setup
04. Understanding Light on UE5.m4a
04. Understanding Light on UE5
05. Setting Up Basic Character Movement.m4a
05. Setting Up Basic Character Movement
06. Quixel Bridge.m4a
06. Quixel Bridge
07. Maps and Modes.m4a
07. Maps and Modes

02. Your First Material

01. Create Your First Material.m4a
01. Create Your First Material
02. Using Textures.m4a
02. Using Textures
03. UV Control.m4a
03. UV Control

03. Material Functions

01. What is a Material Function.m4a
01. What is a Material Function
02. UV Control Material Function.m4a
02. UV Control Material Function
03. Material Functions More UV Control.m4a
03. Material Functions More UV Control
04. Material Functions UV Rotation.m4a
04. Material Functions UV Rotation
05. Material Functions UV Offset.m4a
05. Material Functions UV Offset

04. Master Materials and Material Instances

01. What are Master Materials and Material Instances.m4a
01. What are Master Materials and Material Instances
02. Showcasing Master Materials and Material Instances.m4a
02. Showcasing Master Materials and Material Instances

05. Normals

01. What are Normals Maps and How They Work.m4a
01. What are Normals Maps and How They Work
02. Creating a Normal Control Material Function.m4a
02. Creating a Normal Control Material Function

06. Ambient Occlusion and Roughness Control

01. Ambient Occlusion on Unreal Engine 5.m4a
01. Ambient Occlusion on Unreal Engine 5
02. What is Roughness.m4a
02. What is Roughness
03. Creating a Roughness Control.m4a
03. Creating a Roughness Control

07. Macrovariation

01. What is Macrovariation.m4a
01. What is Macrovariation
02. Macrovariation Function.m4a
02. Macrovariation Function
03. Enabling and Disabling Macrovariation.m4a
03. Enabling and Disabling Macrovariation

08. Metallic Materials

01. Creating Metallic Materials.m4a
01. Creating Metallic Materials

09. Emissive Materials

01. Creating an Emissive Material.m4a
01. Creating an Emissive Material
02. Fresnel Effect.m4a
02. Fresnel Effect

10. Displacement

01. Working with Displacement in Unreal Engine 5

11. Basecolor Control

01. Basecolor Control.m4a
01. Basecolor Control

12. Organizing your Materials

01. Material Graph Organization.m4a
01. Material Graph Organization
02. Organizing Material Functions and Material Instances.m4a
02. Organizing Material Functions and Material Instances

[Udemy] Unreal Engine 5 Materials – A Comprehensive Guide by Unrealverse Labs_Subtitles.7z

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  1. Admin kindly add this tutorial from Norris Lin:

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