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Unreal Engine 5 Create a topdown 2D survivors style game by Howl Chang


Release date:2023, December

Duration:16 h 26 m

Author:Howl Chang

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

To begin with, this course is built upon a commercial game I personally developed. It is strongly recommended to undertake this course using UE5.3. If a newer version is used, there may be instances where certain plugins are not available.

Crafted over several hundred hours, this course comprises detailed videos spanning over 70 lectures. It encompasses a broad range of modules to guide you through the creation of a survivor-style game, including:

  • Setting up paper flipbook animations for player characters, 20+ mobs, and 2 BOSSES movements.
  • Designing 56 waves of enemies with increasing difficulty, featuring different patterns.
  • Creating 13 unique roguelike upgradable skills and a player character leveling-up system.
  • Implementing an object pooling framework to efficiently handle a large number of actors during 20 minutes of gameplay.
  • Defining unique skills for BOSSES and utilizing two types of layer sorting methods.
  • Establishing a permanent save-loading system for progress and a shop system.
  • Incorporating an Enhanced Input movement component for player control.
  • Developing reusable damage texts instance and animations, along with sound management to prevent crashing issues.
  • Utilizing a data table to manage a vast number of attributes for the player character, skills, and enemies.
  • Implementing random spawning hordes of mobs outside the screen to attack the player character.
  • Ensuring smooth transition behavior for pickable items when the player character collects them.
  • Creating logic for 8 active skill slots and 8 passive skill slots to accommodate selected skills.
  • Incorporating special skill logics, indicating gauges, and visual effects.
  • Introducing random buff effects based on activated levels in the shop system.
  • Implementing a global leaderboard dashboard for all players.

For more detailed information, please review the course outline for an overview of the topics we will cover. Lastly, it is highly recommended to follow the instructions in the detailed video tutorial precisely before making any adjustments to the logics, ensuring a more effective learning experience for you.

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01 – Introduction

01 – Introduction

02 – Basic Setup

03 – Create Project and Player Flipbooks
04 – TileMap and Scaling
05 – Create Player Character
06 – Setup Enhanced Inputs
07 – Animating Player Character
08 – Create Dummy Enemy
09 – Bullet Projectile

03 – Pooling Framework

10 – Overview of Pooling Framework
11 – Pooling Bullets Part 1
12 – Pooling Bullets Part 2
13 – Combat Interface
14 – Add Sound Management
15 – Apply Damage to Enemies
16 – Display Damaged Number
17 – Data Table And Enemy Initialization
18 – Fading Out Effect
19 – Enemies Move To Player
20 – Pooling Mobs
21 – Spawn Mobs Outside Screen
22 – Pooling Mob Death
23 – Relative And World Rotation
24 – How To Make Game More Interesting
25 – Create Pickup Actor
26 – Pickup Transition Movement
27 – Pooling Pickups
28 – Create Magnet Effect
29 – Initialize Player Attributes And Skills
30 – Create MainUI
31 – Display Time And EXPInfo
32 – Level Up System
33 – Player Character Death And Game Over
34 – Killings Score And Coin
35 – Two Methods To Avoid Flicking

04 – Skill Module

36 – Fill Skill Table
37 – Create Skill Selection Slot
38 – Add Selection Panel
39 – Skill Filtering Logics
40 – Add Skill Tabs
41 – Reroll Skills
42 – Active Skill 1 Ring of Orbs Part 1

[Udemy] Unreal Engine 5 Create a topdown 2D survivors style game by Howl Chang.7z

[Udemy] Unreal Engine 5 Create a topdown 2D survivors style game by Howl Chang_Subtitles.7z

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